Barcelona 14/03/2011. There is only a greater sense that he feels toward freedom: who hate you remove it. Draw out conclusions!
The sentence sends me a member of a neighborhood association in the Raval. Of the non-subsidized hosting so many expropriated to finish worse than they were. Whoever sends me think of me not to the institution that took away my freedom under the same
for 32 years!
do I say 32 years! 72!
for the Franco who never left the City Council joined a corrupt they called themselves socialists! The first was stolen with the de la Rosa 10,000 million pesetas to the Consortium of the Zona Franca de Barcelona, \u200b\u200band his successors, in short City and County officials, extorted the De la Rosa to fund the party and their pockets. 1975-1983 and following.
In my case, I insist! I do not feel that "hate" that takes my freedom, I feel sorry for the deception of this car called socialism. I sincerely hope they lose the elections but also the win that I like, but it has to close a cycle ... have to lift the carpet. And if you can not "progress" because they've broken everything, it's time to settle accounts
Given the upcoming municipal elections neighboring real associations (real I mean the non-subsidized) sent me documents as charming as the budget
"Fundació Tot Raval"
. It is a matter of unfairness among rivals, to give them enough reason to walk the denigrated Raval, Chinatown which I wish it were that Chinatown! It's a matter of corruption, or waste of City Hall that taxpayer money does political patronage,
581,000 euros a year in Crisis 2010. See images www.lagrancorrupcion.blogspot.com
My many articles on the Raval (rare in the official press) are not for such nonsense. In my view, conversation with my friends
"Salvem Can Ricart" Poble Nou (see link), Ciutat Vella aberrations may be smaller but infinitely more money for urban and historic irreparable disaster. El Raval is only viewed as aberrant. So abhorrent that even the tourists turn back and go. Disgusting!
says my correspondent, extract of a Public Hearing for the District of Ciutat Vella, recorded on video in
"You are creating a discontent with the partnership, with consequences as per Viure Raval, who are neighbors who join in to the representativeness of the more than 300 neighborhood associations that are in the Raval ...
... we are kidding when building the Rambla del Raval, we promised that once the district would lose its denigration, it was not, and joined to the next target and pretext, Illa Sadurní, cleanses us here the neighborhood to sell the land to the Barceló Hotel, filling your denigration, which also enters ExRegidora house to steal, or to manipulate the bike, or that death threat ... "
A expropriations build absurd, ugly and useless buildings will beat 22 @, the inventor of the name or acronym deserves banishment, with Poble Nou and Diagonal Mar was enough ... Real Estate Bubble tumor Barcelona ... ... for which there is diagnostic. After the elections nor will I presume. Do not foresee anyone so clean that you can say that in total X
have stolen tens of billions of euros, and that our descendants very lucky not to be paid within 25 years. I figure that by then those billions in mortgages and loans and banks in caixas be clarified that not paid!
percentage recall again that even the 60 was paid in the urban contribution to amortize the account at the Bank of Spain for the Universal Exhibition of 1929, which is known to be "got rich" Marqués de Foronda director, former director of the Tramway Company, which is dedicated a street.
A trifle ... old war stories.
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