matador unusual, Victoriano de la Serna took the alternative in Madrid on October 29, 1931. He displayed courage and art in the arena and showed off a personality as
sweeping as great, even one of his stories reached the ears of Gabriel García Márquez,
who joined one of the great stories of magical realism: The love
the time of cholera.
Few lives are so bad. Medical student to figure of bullfighting in little more than a couple of years, La Serna, and then he called the posters "broke the mold. Came from a wealthy family, was in Ecuador for medical career and became a bullfighter. Your willpower forged a man of character, judgments, he applied his philosophy to bullfighting. His words reproduced below in a series of appointments are a true reflection of his life.
"Love, honor and art are attributes of God and must be defended to the death" He played
deal in a town in Portugal, the festival was discontinued. Back at the hotel, this killer was a young woman reflected in a mirror. The fleeting image, hit him, captivated him, I fell in love ... The next day, bought the mirror as well to move heaven and earth to find out who was this beautiful woman, who lived in Belgium and end up being his wife. Love in the Time of Cholera, by Gabriel García Márquez, borrows this episode told by José Miguel García Ascot.
"The difference between illusion and fantasy is that the illusion takes you to fantasy success and failure or immortality"
no further contact with the bull a good hobby, Victoriano de la Serna is going to be a doctor and highlights as a student. But the bullfighting festival held in the inauguration of the Faculty of Medicine of Madrid changed the way of his destiny. In his first encounter with a bull, and one in the group of students decided to have fun, bundled to give passes. One and another and another. And they liked. They said those who were near at that moment he realized that he was born to be a bullfighter.
"The Burladero are to see the bull, measure your chances ... and if they do not go see clearly" was not gelling
a good afternoon at Aranjuez. It was toward the bull without conviction, did not like what he saw. From the sidelines yelled, "it must be cut to the two ears." The throat of the mayor of Madrid had said too much. La Serna came towards him, gave him the bull and he replied:
"I'll cut your ears to it, the father of it, you and your father." At these words was followed by a faenón apotheosis. Went through the front door and took him to man up far from the square. In the ABC Corrochano immortalized the scene in his chronicle, entitled: The Procession of La Serna.
"The bull can only do what the bull will get down"
A closely with Domingo Ortega Valencia bullring in the legend grew. It was a time of great rivalry and neither luck nor the bulls had been with the ambitions of La Serna. Domingo Ortega had cut three ears, he none. In his last bull approached Borox killer and told him that, however much they had, the headlines of the day they were going to talk about it, not Ortega. Received the bull sitting on the step: impassive, motionless, waiting for time to bring warnings, ignoring the animal that roamed the arena. Fulfilled his threat and newspapers focused the story on their shame: Victoriano de la Serna voluntarily left a live bull in Valencia.
"Every day of study is one ounce gold deposit in her bank of the future" man of deep convictions moral, patriotic and religious, it went from Hippocrates to
Cúchares as a visionary. He moved to Salamanca to be closer to the world of farming
. He finished his medical career and, although never exercised, did apply their knowledge. Dr Lumbreras, historical surgeon Vistalegre Square, once said that the worst gore that had to heal was a de La Serna. So serious was caught in a time when there were no antibiotics, the matador and a medical student ran recovery and again taking the pulse, convinced that peritonitis could lead to death.
"Three things can not be cut man's dream, laughter and dreams"
La plaza de toros de Algeciras was the scene of one of those episodes that made a matador La Serna different. After poor fishing in the first bull came up with their bones in nursing staff by the coup that gave him a hothead. Despite the head injury, the bullfighter Sepulveda gave the following item of the offender and complete with a bull of Paul Romero, one of the best jobs which are recalled in the ring Algeciras.
"In the best we can hope a man is to know yourself" Once
gored in his left body memory of his years in the ring. One of those mishaps baffled La Serna, who came to consider the withdrawal, not the severity of the butt, which was important, but never discovered the reason why the bull laid hands on him that time. Other horns did have a cause in his head. The decision to leave came after a somersault bullfighting in Linea de la Concepcion. While recovering in the infirmary, the manager asked, "With the money you have, this woman so beautiful, her children and settled life ... Why is bullfighting?" The right-hander was brief in his response: "Well, you have reason, "and already in the hotel celebrated with champagne, with his crew and all those who followed, to withdraw from the streets.
La Serna was a style of his time, admired by his contemporaries. Marcial Lalande, another great figure of bullfighting at the time, wrote from memory his art: "I understand little poetry, but that's what he was doing, bullfighting. Was fighting very slow, very small hands, accompanying the bull so that was something amazing. " His figure remains in the memory, wisdom is a legacy open.
sweeping as great, even one of his stories reached the ears of Gabriel García Márquez,
who joined one of the great stories of magical realism: The love
the time of cholera.
Few lives are so bad. Medical student to figure of bullfighting in little more than a couple of years, La Serna, and then he called the posters "broke the mold. Came from a wealthy family, was in Ecuador for medical career and became a bullfighter. Your willpower forged a man of character, judgments, he applied his philosophy to bullfighting. His words reproduced below in a series of appointments are a true reflection of his life.
"Love, honor and art are attributes of God and must be defended to the death" He played
deal in a town in Portugal, the festival was discontinued. Back at the hotel, this killer was a young woman reflected in a mirror. The fleeting image, hit him, captivated him, I fell in love ... The next day, bought the mirror as well to move heaven and earth to find out who was this beautiful woman, who lived in Belgium and end up being his wife. Love in the Time of Cholera, by Gabriel García Márquez, borrows this episode told by José Miguel García Ascot.
"The difference between illusion and fantasy is that the illusion takes you to fantasy success and failure or immortality"
no further contact with the bull a good hobby, Victoriano de la Serna is going to be a doctor and highlights as a student. But the bullfighting festival held in the inauguration of the Faculty of Medicine of Madrid changed the way of his destiny. In his first encounter with a bull, and one in the group of students decided to have fun, bundled to give passes. One and another and another. And they liked. They said those who were near at that moment he realized that he was born to be a bullfighter.
"The Burladero are to see the bull, measure your chances ... and if they do not go see clearly" was not gelling
a good afternoon at Aranjuez. It was toward the bull without conviction, did not like what he saw. From the sidelines yelled, "it must be cut to the two ears." The throat of the mayor of Madrid had said too much. La Serna came towards him, gave him the bull and he replied:
"I'll cut your ears to it, the father of it, you and your father." At these words was followed by a faenón apotheosis. Went through the front door and took him to man up far from the square. In the ABC Corrochano immortalized the scene in his chronicle, entitled: The Procession of La Serna.
"The bull can only do what the bull will get down"
A closely with Domingo Ortega Valencia bullring in the legend grew. It was a time of great rivalry and neither luck nor the bulls had been with the ambitions of La Serna. Domingo Ortega had cut three ears, he none. In his last bull approached Borox killer and told him that, however much they had, the headlines of the day they were going to talk about it, not Ortega. Received the bull sitting on the step: impassive, motionless, waiting for time to bring warnings, ignoring the animal that roamed the arena. Fulfilled his threat and newspapers focused the story on their shame: Victoriano de la Serna voluntarily left a live bull in Valencia.
"Every day of study is one ounce gold deposit in her bank of the future" man of deep convictions moral, patriotic and religious, it went from Hippocrates to
Cúchares as a visionary. He moved to Salamanca to be closer to the world of farming
. He finished his medical career and, although never exercised, did apply their knowledge. Dr Lumbreras, historical surgeon Vistalegre Square, once said that the worst gore that had to heal was a de La Serna. So serious was caught in a time when there were no antibiotics, the matador and a medical student ran recovery and again taking the pulse, convinced that peritonitis could lead to death.
"Three things can not be cut man's dream, laughter and dreams"
La plaza de toros de Algeciras was the scene of one of those episodes that made a matador La Serna different. After poor fishing in the first bull came up with their bones in nursing staff by the coup that gave him a hothead. Despite the head injury, the bullfighter Sepulveda gave the following item of the offender and complete with a bull of Paul Romero, one of the best jobs which are recalled in the ring Algeciras.
"In the best we can hope a man is to know yourself" Once
gored in his left body memory of his years in the ring. One of those mishaps baffled La Serna, who came to consider the withdrawal, not the severity of the butt, which was important, but never discovered the reason why the bull laid hands on him that time. Other horns did have a cause in his head. The decision to leave came after a somersault bullfighting in Linea de la Concepcion. While recovering in the infirmary, the manager asked, "With the money you have, this woman so beautiful, her children and settled life ... Why is bullfighting?" The right-hander was brief in his response: "Well, you have reason, "and already in the hotel celebrated with champagne, with his crew and all those who followed, to withdraw from the streets.
La Serna was a style of his time, admired by his contemporaries. Marcial Lalande, another great figure of bullfighting at the time, wrote from memory his art: "I understand little poetry, but that's what he was doing, bullfighting. Was fighting very slow, very small hands, accompanying the bull so that was something amazing. " His figure remains in the memory, wisdom is a legacy open.
Text. F Yerba
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