ISIDRE FAINÉ and Emilio Botin
Rafael del Barco Carreras Barcelona 03/12/2011. The law passed yesterday on capitalization of banks and savings banks is a product of the two most powerful men in Spain. They deserve, in the midst of storm conditions are not the solvency of their institutions, their efforts (propaganda) to create and dominate the "public opinion" bear fruit. The downside is that state and similar fractions owe too much money. As the bankers of Carlos V and Felipe II are not separated from their dangerous debtor, and advise you dreaming wars not only cost but also increase their power. They differ an important nuance, Booty, represents the power of their shares in a credit, send in your home, but being the first bank in the English banking cartel, the concept is relative, and Faina, which reaches its presidency when Rodrigo Rato was Minister of Finance, owes its position to a dark cluster of very powerful political forces Social placing in the highest office in Catalonia, and then to President of the ECSC, the Confederation of Savings Banks. After conversion into bank La Caixa, can become a booty, unchallenged and undisputed. Every law, say trying to maintain the system, to their advantage. La Caixa bank to become clear from the hypothetical political control of the Generalitat, and Santander can eat a box via stock purchase. Unsubscribe growing competition and absorbing, it seems their sole criterion. And if you stick to that domain packages must be approved by the Bank of Spain, the future of having! Please focus your highest percentage of financial market. As for La Caixa CatalunyaCaixa if the asset would be digested and absorbed, and the Banco de Sabadell, Artur Mas welcomed a merger, although some counts in this cake the Generalitat. With that La Caixa has enough money to continue paying. The figure of 15,000 million euros seems a mechanism to achieve more mergers, the pair that convinces customers and transferred to a stock banks themselves, with institutions hard hit by the housing bubble, we will see in the future value granted the stock market. And if the "technical" worldwide
say ... "The rating agency Moody 's lowered the rating of Spain in one step, from "Aa1" to "Aa2" with negative outlook and warned that government plans to rehabilitate the banking system will be more costly than expected and added to their debt. "In fact, Moody" s believes that in a scenario of increased stress, recapitalization requirements could even reach between 110,000 and 120,000 million euros, "the agency said."
... the law passed on Thursday begins a obscure process, where policy and the wars in credit institutions mark a path that Germany and France or the ECB can twist. Yesterday in Brussels, Merkel insisted, and demanded warned. But the
"Rescue Fund"
continue to buy government debt, which is ultimately what we wanted to hear Zapatero and his bankers.
holders covering the entire national political field, more the result of predetermined positions of reality to be handled in closed clans interested ... "We call into question its RATO INCOME FOR THE FRONT OF ECSC ..." Division in the boxes Fainé role in the Royal Decree passed by Congress today ... ", ¨ The Royal Decree has been a successful negotiation with Economy and the Bank of Spain ¨ soften from Barcelona ...
and abide by the fanaticism of defenders Fainé in the comments, so far the least deserves as much respect as prevention:
why it works so well and the rest are shit in ruins gener 24, 2011 21:51
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