Felix Millet, imputed OF THE CDC DANIEL OSÁCAR treasurer.
Barcelona 03/17/2011. Another news worthy of the Great Corruption;
"03/15/2011 EFE; The Supreme Court confirmed the sentence of four months' imprisonment imposed by the Provincial Court of Madrid in 2009 to Alberto Cortina and Alberto Alcocer by attempted fraud trial using a fake letter to seek a review of his conviction in the case Urbanor.
The High Court today announced that it has dismissed all the resources presented "The Albertos" and the other three men, and as three of the four partners of entrepreneurs in society Urbanor, owner of the land where the towers were built KIO (Madrid). "
legal watermark is completed, or the Great Corruption of Justice, closing at Madrid the time of the "Pelotazo", 1980-1990. If a few days ago confirmed the sentence of three months of Alfredo Sáenz Abad, now up to
Alberto Cortina and Alberto Alcocer
, the famous ex-husbands of cousins \u200b\u200bKoplovich. For English Law cheated is the way of Dante to the underworld. Repeated and so blatant as not found in any civilized and democratic country. One might add that those winds should the current scam, the alleged suppress, the New Rumasa.
But if these sentences top the fun of the big corrupt scheme to the English people, who never know how much it would take the men of Felipe González, and Felipe Gonzalez himself, for the re-those that ended in KIO Torres in Barcelona the great boom of the cousins, the land of Macosa, Diagonal Mar, 12,000 million pesetas of 88, the first great stone of the Great Housing Bubble Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhas no trail and even in judicial corruption. 12,000 million, signed as proxy of the current Albertos Man of La Caixa in the corrupt El Periódico, Juan Llopart. Another perfect job. If it seems indisputable that in Madrid was Felipe Gonzalez himself who ordered his own re-qualification (with death threats to the opposition) of land area once held by his friends in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMacOS Diagonal Mar, falling from Jordi Pujol and full between Pascual Maragall.
The dilemma is how much for each. Perhaps Pujol allowed to enrich one of their children through the straw man John Rosillo (who died in Panama) and Pascual Maragall cede it to the PSC. An outright theft. My Friends "Salvem Can Ricart"
and several neighborhood associations in Poble Nou are not forgotten, and less than the expropriation of 22 @ , and prepare films and meetings with neighbors to discover the distribution rather than the 12,000 million of 88 (an impossibility that belongs to the omerta Sociovergente
) by anxiety to know the corrupt history that ended his Barrio . Thousands of workers laid off, plenty of houses and orchards destroyed, whole streets nineteenth century, ending in the Diagonal Mar tome Forum, multiplied by 100 to 12,000 million pesetas those of the first big hit. The housing bubble, the largest of the embezzlement of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe end of an era of Economic History of the City and the start of one whose consequences are still impredecisibles. The ruin of institutions political and financial.
But if the news of the day about my grand corruption are those months in prison that never meet, and causal recommend reading the magazine DIRECT , that the numbers published this week;
"SPANISH ESTAT - NI NI BANCS ESPECULADORS NOT PAY THE BILL COL-LAPSE OF FINANCE 2010: bancs, companies and 86,228 guanyan borsa millions in crisis. "
between the data also adds that the listed shared EUR 24.288 million dividends. The article does not link but it deserves to enter the Grand Corruption, it remains true the deal is not least false accounting that makes these figures.
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