sexual life of a politician or blank pages of a notary.
Rafael del Barco Carreras
Barcelona 03/20/2011. About sexual fables Democrat Duran i Lleida be heard from the wiretaps in the 90's by the network of espionage and extortion of Juan Piqué Vidal and Javier de la Rosa. In Office there are complaints by listeners. And on blank pages in the notary to complete protocols, not that it is a fable, is that I lived. Yesterday
prominent politicians deserve value for their gallery of grand corruption, just send me plublic article mails demanding the inclusion of Duran i Lleida per character of the week. But it takes many pages and a political scientist for the job. Duran is a professional from the so-called Transition Policy, with its peak by 2000 when it was Jordi Pujol's replacement, but the case broke Pallerols ambitions.
A year ago,
"updated on Monday 02/15/2010 12:20; prosecutor's request" case Pallerols' considers that there is evidence of irregular funding Democratic Union of Catalonia (UDC) between 1994 and 1999. The prosecutor also requested prison terms of between 7 and 12 years for the six defendants in the case, five of them militants UDC, and vicarious liability claim of the party, which claims 197,000 euros for the purchase of office supplies and payroll ...
Thus, besides the entrepreneur and his wife, Vicenç Gavaldà are charged, then secretary general of the UDC, James Vallvé party militant, Luis Gavalda, who was then director general of occupation, and Dolors Llorens, deputy director of the department. According to the prosecutor, the participation of the latter two was "substantial" when setting up the grants. In addition, Santiago Vallvé accused, convicted of the tourism event.
19 / 02 / 2010
Duran complains that the case 11 years ago Pallerols lasting
"Unió has not taken a penny or regular or irregular Mr Pallerols"
The "Cas Treball" European Social Fund money is short by scandal . Feccea foundations (which have paid trips Durán) and Fessec. European Centre for Training of Workers. ECAC. Technical Centre for Women. Fidel academies paid Pallerols with courses not taught. Department of Labor led by Ignasi Farreras Democratic Unió de Catalunya. Billion pesetas. And the parallel case Turisme added attraction of the strange death in 2003 in Philippines Joan Cogull involved principal, director of the Consortium of Tourism between 1992 and 1996.
I liked the character as he openly said that appointment of Judge Pascual Estevill for the Supreme Judicial Council was a mistake of his party or coalition. With Pujol put in their verbal hyperbole, Duran said she faced her boss in Madrid Miquel Roca, who in obedience to the leader argued that all parties led to the appointment. Doubt that Duran was part of the "All Barcelona connoisseur
the adventures described in" Barcelona, \u200b\u200b30 years of corruption, "and that by concealing merits inclusion. But / alfons-lopez-tena - Cached - Similar
If these allegations as a result of scuffle between politicians and the falsehoods in the curriculum of the Vice President of the Generalitat Joana Ortega, answering for alleged Durán blank pages, not just in the Court of Guard, is that they are real, and more if more than write a law clerk with years of policy and a member from 2001 to 2008 of the General Council of the Judiciary.
Alfons López Tena free
Birth 7 December 1957 (53 years ) Sagunto (Golf Morvedre) Catalan Nationality
Employment Notary
Political party Democratic Convergence of Catalonia (1989 - 2010)
Catalan Solidarity for Independence (2010 - ...)
Alfons López Tena (Sagunto, 1957) degree in Law from the University of Valencia and solicitor since 1983, is a Member of Parliament of Catalonia.
has been a member of the English General Council of Judicial Power between 2001 and 2008. As a notary has played in Tarrega (1983-1985), Xativa (1985-1988) and Barcelona (1988-1999). He was founder and Vice President of Notary Forum Forum Notarial Catalonia until 1999. He was member of Democratic Convergence of Catalonia from 1989 until 2010, when Solidarity was founded by the Catalan independence. He was previously director of the National Democratic Convergence from 1996 until his appointment as a member of the General Council of Judicial Power proposal in English CiU. In August 2007 he created, with Hector López Bofill Circle Studies sovereignty.
[amended] Curriculum
The curriculum in the legal world is very extensive, starting as a solicitor Tarrega, Xativa and Barcelona. Founder and director of the Subcommittee on Commercial and youthful of the Ateneo de Falla's King Kong. In the Faculty of Law, founded the Valencia Board and the Council of Democratic Forces and Political Unions of Valencia. It has also been founder and director of Notary Forum, Catalan Society for Legal Studies, belonging to the Institute of Catalan Studies and the Foundation Open Catalonia. Chairman of the Regional Centre of Culture Urgell. Council Member Social Law Faculty of the Universitat Ramon Llull-ESADE of Omnium Cultural Group Hayek, Barcelona 2020, and the Advisory Board of Cultural Action in Valencia. He has been chairman of the Justice Sector, vice president of the Association of Left Eixample, and chief national Democratic Convergence of Catalonia. Part of the Executive Committee of the International Organisation for Judicial Training and set up the Truth Commission to investigate the crimes of the dictatorship in Valencia.

In July 2010 he created, along with Uriel Bertran Joan Laporta and the Catalan Solidarity movement for independence, which is scheduled to be presented to the Parliament of Catalonia elections scheduled for autumn 2010. At that now ceased to be militant Democratic Convergence of Catalonia. In the primary elections for the Catalan Solidarity Independence, on 4 September 2010, is number two on the list chosen by circusmcripció Barcelona. [change] Work

Alfons López Tena • Blog • Video-Interview Vilaweb

Categories: Living people Antoni Duran i Lleida (El Campello, the Litera, Aragón, 27 March 1952) is a Catalan politician and lawyer. He holds a diploma in law and European communities by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

1982, 1986 and 1989 he was again elected Member of Congress. From 1986 to 1987 he was an MEP. In 1999 he was elected to the Parliament of Catalonia and appointed Minister of Interior of the Generalitat of Catalonia until 2001.

was also vice president of the Christian Democratic International and honorary president of the Chamber of Commerce of Chile Barcelona. [change] Publications

daily (2003), Portico Publishing. [change] Official Blog external link •

Preceded by New Position Union of Young
? Preceded by
1979 - 1980 Succeeded by
Joaquim Xicoy Bassegoda and Chairperson of the Government of UDC
Succeeded by Concepción Ferrer
Concepción Ferrer
Chairman Committee on Government UDC
1987 - present Succeeded by
in office
Preceded by Javier Pomes
Bee and Minister of Interior
1999 - 2001
Succeeded by
Núria de Gispert and Catalan
Preceded by
Post new Secretary General of Convergence and Union
2001 - Recent
Succeeded by in office
of ""
Categories: Directors of the governments of Jordi Pujol WHAT ANIMALS!
Rafael del Barco Carreras
Barcelona 03/19/2011. Pujol hurry to submit their real. He must be very traumatic that after 23 years his men pass to the opposition or the "business" and that "Catalan your way" fell to charnegos as Montilla or Corbacho.
If Pujol is the charlatan who makes his verbiage money ... money always ends up in the halls and stalls of the courts, Cabana is the intellectual who becomes the great epic of the legendary scams and banking Catalan bourgeoisie. I refer not only to
Banca Catalana,
but as now the caixas (except by the time La Caixa) all banks Catalan (less Banco de Sabadell) eventually emptied by the process of credit facilities, discounting of bills (unpaid) and equity investments in "business" of the group (all were equal) streams. Active 0, passive billion before peseta euro now. And to top in terms of Banca Catalana until days before the outbreak customers placed their shares at 300% (by providing discounted loans and remittances) enriching the "group" with money from the same bank, Bank of Spain or injecting to follow windows paying. Swindle dismissed in court.
I who lived in Barcelona banking from the 1960 I'm shocked reading what this man writes, from which personal and professional level I remember the first "Edicions 62" for about impossible to collect unpaid. I say this because several of his books are published in the Group's publishing streams. And also with a certain envy for being able to edit what he wanted to, installing his fantasy in the tenets of faith of his undisputed history of Catalonia, topped with medals and the top of the intelligentsia of the city.
remember two or three years ago that John Palomeras Beams (formerly of "group" and Pujol's personal friend and his lawyer Juan Piqué Vidal) known for the collapse of Banco de Navarra, and partner in The Model proudly showed me the Athenaeum. I know the institution to spend endless times before, but never raised me to become a member as I invited my old friend from prison and prior business. I thought to Groucho Marx that I would never join a club that I admit ... me and Palomeras.
return of the old days, if the Tripartite or socialists have disgusted the majority of Catalans of various creeds and including charnegos (which included me by my parents and ancestors) I have the feeling that Pujol, now with the Crisis Horse (definition of Narcis Serra, Jordi Pujol's personal enemy, both parents of the Sociovergencia) will not succeed as in the 23 years of wine and roses, placing his men on the massive transfer of power, purchase of buildings, rezoning, etc. Pujol knows and includes its victim Independence speech, song in Madrid and not wash for too heard and rationed handouts. Where once silly
proclaiming became history, now start bad. That the vice president Joana Ortega
Alemany, add in your resume
degree in psychology who has not, tells me that less verifiable lies abound in these and all politicians. They have no shame or to resign.
But the week just entertaining in Catalan politics. Rafael Ribó he shouted to the budget cuts as essential for an institution, the Ombudsman
, that if repealed, while saving a lot of millions Catalonia, the Town would continue with the same violations. O Xavier Casas, former president of the GISA transparent, Infrastructure Management SA, who returns to his post on leave at City Hall, as well as dozens of other leaders of the Socialist Government, to the disgust of the old place ... No on the dole!
And if cases Banca Catalana, Casinos de Catalunya funding the CDC, Catalan Institute of Finance paying the fraudulent bankruptcy of Grupo Pujol, Port Aventura, and countless children, were overcome with skill and nerve and total lack of scruples (never scratching his own pocket) now start with Daniel OSAC:
La Vanguardia says the grantee;
The Government accused the opposition of "manufacturing" a trial parallel on the imputation of OSAC
The spokesman says the Government is the "first interested" in establishing the facts. More pronounced in the coming hours or days "
Politics The fate has brought you the Japanese disaster, coupled with Libya Zapatero entertaining games of war, is wrong to tempt fate!
Banking Catalan
Catalan Banking Building on Paseo de Gracia in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bbuilt between 1965 and 1968 by Josep Maria Fargas Falp project and Enric Tous Coal [1]. For some years even have a window in the parking lot where it could procedures without lowering the car. Banking
Catalan was a financial institution created in March 1959 by Florence and Bruges Hill, his son Jordi Pujol i Solely and Francesc Cabana and Vancells with the purchase of Banca Dorca Olot by a group of men in economic sectors different. In 1961 he moved to Barcelona's central headquarters and changed its name to Banca Catalan. Contents
[Hide] 1 Origin and spread
Banking Catalan
2 Case 3 end of the entity involved
4 25 5 References
[change] Origins and expansion Merced Planning a new law adopted by the Francoist authorities Banking during the 1960s and 1970s expanded and opened offices throughout Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Valencia, but also in Madrid, Zaragoza, Bilbao and San Sebastian. It is stated that the bank was financing activities Catalan nationalists of all kinds, including the signing of Johann Cruyff's FC Barcelona in 1974. [2] In 1971

[amended] Banking Case Catalan But in 1982 came into crisis when a false bankruptcy announcement provoked an output of 38% of the deposits of most banks in Catalonia. The first attempts at settlement failed, and as one of the directors of the seventies was the then President of the Generalitat of Catalonia Jordi Pujol i Solely, the case took political connotations. The Bank of Spain appointed three administrators in November 1982 announced that a strong imbalance in assets, reducing capital and a strong increase to revitalize the organization In November 1982, which would be covered by Deposit Guarantee Fund.

[change] The end of the entity In 1988 became part of the group Banco Bilbao Vizcaya, since 2000 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria. This year the group decided to total absorption Banking Catalan, removing the name and all the external signs.

[change] References 1. ↑ The building site at Peoples Bank of Catalonia Catalan

4. ↑ Yearbook 1995 5. ↑ Article on the resolution of the decision in Banking Catalan

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In 1998 he received the Cross of St. George for his contribution to the dissemination of Catalan economic and industrial tradition. He is currently vice president of the Barcelona Athenaeum and publishes the economy Notebook column in the newspaper every Sunday Today [1]. [change] Works

Bank Barcelona (1844-1920) (1978) Banking Catalan: a chapter of its history (1978)

Catalan. Personal Journal (1988)
Economic History of contemporary Catalonia (6 volumes, 1989-1992) Factories and businesses (1992-1994)
The Catalan bourgeoisie (1996) episodes of the Catalan bourgeoisie (1998)
25 years of freedom, autonomy and centralism (2002) Madrid and centralism. A brake on the Catalan economy (2003)
The failure of the Bank of Barcelona (1920) (2007) Catalanism, engine of the country (2007 )
Fear and Money (2009) [change] References
Interview with Francis Francis Cabana Cabana Online newspaper Vilaweb
Interview Francesc Cabana for Project Arts, and Memory from Memory - The Memory Bank

Joana Ortega and German
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Joana Ortega and German
Vice President and Minister of Home Affairs and Institutional Mandate
29 December 2010 - still in office
Preceded by Josep-Lluis Carod-Rovira, Vice-President of the Government of Catalonia and Ausàs
George Coll, Director of Governance and Public Administration
Joan Saura i Laporta, director Interior, Institutional Relations and Participation
1959 Barcelona, \u200b\u200bCatalonia
Political Party
UDC (1985 -...)
Joana Ortega and German (Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1959) is the current vice president of government Generalitat of Catalonia and Minister of Government and Institutional Relations. He is also member of Parliament of Catalonia since 2006.
[change] Biography
His political career began in the City Council being the technical adviser of the District Courts (1992-1995), Executive Councillor of the Eixample district (1995-1999) and councilor of the consistory Barcelona (1996-2007). At the municipal level has been a member of the Board of Barcelona Activa (1996-2003) and the Cultural Institute of Barcelona (1999-2003). During
mandates as President Jordi Pujol of Catalonia, was president of the Catalan Institute for Women (2002) and the National Council of Women of Catalonia (2002).
is a member of the management team of Barcelona Tribune. It was Tertullian program "Good Morning, Catalonia," TV3 (2000-2002), COM radio (since 1999) and Radio Intereconomía. Is monthly columnist in El Mundo. Militant
Democratic Union of Catalonia (UDC) in 1985, is a member of the Committee on Government UDC since 1996. It is also a member of the UDC and the Permanent Executive Committee of the National Federation (CENF) Convergence and Union (CiU), the Women's Union, Union of Employees and Union Councillors. He has been spokesman for the Association of Municipalities CiU Metropolitan Area of \u200b\u200bBarcelona (1999-2003). In 2006, he entered the Parliament of Catalonia being elected MP for the constituency Barcelona. In 2010 it was again presented as number two on the list headed by Artur Mas CiU.
With the inauguration of Artur Mas as chairman of the Government appointed the Vice President of Government, being the first woman to enter the office and the Department of Governance and Institutional Relations. Took office on 29 December 2010.
became the first woman to assume the duties of President of the Government on 27 January 2011, for nearly an hour due to travel to Perpignan President Artur Mas. The
news for March 2011 was a mistake on his resume posted on the website of the Government of Catalonia, where it was stated that a degree in psychology when in fact it lacks two courses to pass the course. [1] Ortega apologized through his blog, claiming that this is an error of transcription and denied wanting attributed merits of others. [2] However, this misinformation was stated on several biographies published in the Government websites and their party, as well as his own blog, which stated, in first person, was a graduate in Psychology [3].
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Rafael del Barco Carreras
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