Rafael del Barco Carreras
Barcelona 25/03/2011. Zapatero's response to ERC deputy Joan Ridao is an anthology. Pay off the mortgage debt to the property mortgaged or floor or speak.
"Are you on which side of the banks or the good people?". Zapatero said that "the problem is that the good people, not to say everyone has their money in banks, and it seems reasonable to try to preserve the strength and soundness of banks, because it is so as to preserve the solvency and savings of the vast majority of citizens' In cynical
removes his mask "social" or "socialist." In other words, to change the law to match the Anglo-Saxon English law where the credit guarantee is the mortgaged property and the default is settled with the transfer or dation or talk! It will assess other types of aid.
Less than states that such a move would plunge the bench. The bank or the boxes are hollow and may or may not attach for life who do not pay the insolvent mortgage.
I have repeated many times, when in 2008 I responded to emails for my articles in http://www.lagrancorrupcion.com that would happen ... insulted me. "Return the floor and issue solved," Well, no! But again, this law, which Zapatero absolutely refuses to change, considers the possibility that if the value of the mortgaged property falls below 20%, the bank can ask for extra security. And with the added scam that appraisal companies owned by banks and savings banks, making up the assessment that suits them ... what they have done so far!
One day, overwhelmed any debtor, but the current payment, you receive a letter from the bank or to provide additional guarantees to put your house is not worth even half of what you owe. Cool! I think that has not happened.
The Hoax of the housing bubble, where a monstrous predatory thieves invented a pyramid where prices rose more than 10% have annual or buyers, over 2,000,000 homes, with millions of buyers duped and cheated, has a maximum President supporter in a socialist government! The Ali Baba's 40 thieves!
We are facing a financial catastrophe of such magnitude that drop this idiotic nonsense in Parliament, knowing that these borrowers do not pay ever, reflects not only cynical but the drift of the Financial System. Yesterday and today
Tele 3 / 24 tells us that CataluñaCaixa need more capital. A classic case for a "real action" for fraudulent bankruptcy, arrest its leaders with Narcis Serra head, and not add more to euro bottomless pit strictly implementing the law on deposit insurance. Also added to the "Cimera Anticrisis" , meeting today of all "political forces" for a covenant ... a fantasy of "School of Business" with lots of photos where everyone smiles and embraces.
After reading the following news, it is evident that our financial system was not anywhere near the best in the world ... we can suspect that Spain is not as solvent and before the Portuguese crisis and its claim Zapatero bankers
Trujillo: "Housing has just fallen. has to fall by 50% since hitting highs,"
The Bank of Spain limits the bonus of managers banking
English banks played 76,500 million in Portugal
Moody's downgrades the note credit to 30 banks and English ... You save Santander, BBVA, La Caixa
An open secret: banks only provide mortgages to buy their own flats
Banesto, Popular and Sabadell 'swallow' and redeem all their debt for shares
Metrovacesa FIVE DAYS: Ăngeles Gonzalo - Madrid - 18/03/2011
The March 28 is the last day for banks that need recapitalization delivered to the Bank of Spain plans to viability. Caixa Catalunya, unanimous, Banco Base, Novacaixagalicia, Bankia, Civic Bank, Caja Duero, Spain and Mare Nostrum is the eight boxes that do not meet the new capital requirements of the Bank of Spain. There are still 10 days to fit their strategies and find the capital or the right partner for its recapitalization, amounting to 14.077 million euros if not listed, and about 9,800 million less if you do. But the option of going to FROB gain weight. "


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