The story of the prostitute Moles is well known by everyone. People began in the newspaper Mangado thousand pesetas per run and later, when his boss, Gonzalo Carvajal, was the rate of ten thousand pesetas. Its way into the humiliating job of serving as black, Mariví Romero, when his illustrious father got into the newspaper and on television. The Moles Phoenician writing stories and scripts and, when the power disappeared Emilio Romero, his daughter and benefactor, let it roll. Keep written records with the same machine and on the same letterhead Astoria Hotel in Valencia, where Moles wrote two chronicles of the same run, although one, signed as Mariví Romero. Moles is much more cunning and more skilled than the phantoms of the wordsmith. Is a specialist pelotilleo and that is the case that published in a newspaper of Salamanca, the same article that serves as editorial in the Cadena Ser and other publications where he teaches his "master." It's like a gypsy that changes several times the same donkey. Taken for granted that a modest-Salamanca torero not need to name, has had to pay four million pesetas to "take care of the season." The guy has fought only twenty bullfighting and, with such revenues as we can get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow much will have been, after all expenses and, as I explain, they have paid a "revolutionary tax." Imagine what will be the saber to which more than fifty torean bullfights. Also, with such a character, ostentation wealth is outrageous. Another class of super cool car, a flat with more than three hundred million pesetas which, together with their lifestyle, are the measure of character. All this has caught me too old and, above all, too vague and full of bull journalism so much filth. Ten years ago would have sent all the sewers. But I'm tired and not a matter of starting again as in the sixties where information entered in April when only threw seven thousand copies, and in October the same year, sobrepasábamos fifty thousand copies each day that left the sun, precisely when a journalist, was an honorable profession and all fought in defense of truth. Of course, for all this, then, we had the support of editors and publishers who were betting on an ethic that no longer exists. In my day, ended with Manuel Lozano Sevilla, robbed the bullfighters to invoke its condition Franco stenographer. Now, with democracy, no one chases the predators. And the party is sinking while they pile up wealth by unlawful means, as is explained.
Author: Alfonso Navalon - Critical bullfighting.
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