9. Vilanova i la Geltrú, DRUGS, OPERATION MACEDONIA.
Rafael del Barco Carreras
Barcelona 24/03/2011. Continuing on such a beautiful city (which has become a hotbed moral) received the sentence against the City and for my friend Luis. Unfair dismissal. Toca forget narcos networks, police and prostitution (common to many other parts of Spain) to say something as mundane as the sentence for a dismissal, if not of itself constitute a public notice if they just join expropriated mortgage and debt in addition to evicted for life, or a pensioner from 200 € who are denied legal aid of 525 € a year for rent, enters into the gloomy outlook.
social sensitivity of our so called "socialist" is very similar to that of the nineteenth century manufacturers who pushed the working class to create matches "workers", the PSOE. Meet with the sentence for unlawful dismissal against a municipality governed by a Socialist and labor lawyer, Joan Ignasi Elena García , who writes a leftist harangues renewal if they had not trampled both be credible leads me to my particular topic of that bunch of lawyers are as talkative as Pujol and his family with catalan. Exploit noble sentiments is the largest of the scams. Mayor says one of his articles "It's idees, companys" ... is the ambition of its leaders, among them is he who has rendered worthless the "idees"
... I do not know which is worse if the dismissal of Luis, immediately fired!, like before the invention of labor laws after revolutions and millions of deaths, or justify inventing some arguments that I heard at trial and the judge to sentencing assessed favor of dismissal, not only I believed them, but I doubt the good guy version of my friend. He is one of those fired because dangerous to the corrupt men, and has on its website, http://www.legitimidad.com
In a decision published yesterday in www.lagrancorrupcion.blogspot.com add a comment, also yesterday, although not is for the mayor, said that social services work as badly as the police and public safety, and that his party, which is the first sword and until recently the Government was a disaster as well as insensitive or corrupt.
Anònim has dit ...
hope and wish that my president. A.mas have more sensitivity than the tripartite 2009 2010 cual.tras two years I am denied rental assistance to which I have right for my pension terms . Just let me live to 200 euros per month about aid that manages agdisa. Aly.mojame if I would have called for help. Sirba that I believe in voting and democracy. jm Vilanova i la Geltru. MARC
22, 2011 15:19
But the mail, yesterday also names on mortgages and Barcelona Poblenou expropriations beyond the insensitivity of those Socialists turned into real estate;
"... condemnations is that the council (diagonal / Jungle at sea) and now her father, the owner, is mortgaged up to 117 years! ... As I said, they expropriated the city council, with the real estate Espais behind the has learned that after he hired Rafael Gonzalez Burns, former Director of IMU, bearing FUNDING Caixa Catalunya, chaired by Narcis Serra and architectural design is done by the brother of the architect of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bso it may be coincidence ... "
's news agencies and the media do not reflect in detail the brutality with which the current reality is hitting millions of English and Catalan, the hell of greed and political corruption has created great, with no prospect resignation. With luck the black economy, as though a debt find legal work, debt at the possible But would advise you not to.
The pages filled emails and comments releasing bile, may be less sweeping INTERNET cancer Casta English Politics ... and then start again under the command of German and French creditors hope someday rise to the English social benefits their own level. was the "idea" of the European Community and the Euro! used in Spain through the Real Estate Bubble in black to enhance the political and financial.
Catalan Public Tele formerly owned by these "socialist" charges and real estate, and now CIU charges and Catalan or businesses, now says cuts "ratalladas" in the public media (mammoth for Catalonia) and more economic meetings to concerts and how to address the crisis. Greece and Ireland, and now Portugal, leading the way, the ripple reaches Spain and Catalonia.
Rescue Fund.

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