live longer, healthier and happier!
stress-relieving LANDSCAPES
View photos, screensavers or nice landscapes have a positive effect on the brain circuits.
Beach Landscapes release of alpha brain waves relax us and help control breathing and pulse.


for depression and sadness, the best remedy is to see family photos, there will remember the places we visit, birthday parties, meetings and some stories of moments that we had possibly forgotten, all these works to remind us that life is a constant beacon of hope and we have a family.

Landscapes of animals in their habitat, active serotonin and oxytocin in the brain which is the hormone of happiness and automatically encourages us to smile, they make us remember what it's more like a family .. Hence the importance of taking the kids to the zoo, so release your stress and start a great week relaxed and happy.


Well this is not necessary to go to the gym every day, or join a club, racing or breaking records or walking, a daily walk is enough time. If, as read at the University of Toronto - Canada in 2004 was carried out research between groups in mean age between 60 and 64, and others with a healthy cardiovascular events or stroke.

In this follow-up Ier found that moderate exercise group that was one hour each day, kept his lungs and heart 12 years younger than people their age who did not practice. And in the II group, who had suffered cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accident or "stoke" one of the most common causes of disability in adults, creates changes in the neuromotor system, is believed to walk with these difficulties could generate more effort in this Group II was discovered that trying to do, 6 minutes walk serene, quiet, and go slowly rising 5 meters every day, without trying, managed to improve their pulse and breathing, to be exercisable for one hour. This test showed that his skills and improved sensitivity.

What found that walking, a daily hour minimum allows us to keep our hearts with one more year of life and recovery in cases where such accidents confused CV or inability neuromotor system.
far as I know, many still retain the idea of \u200b\u200bkeeping the patient in a wheelchair, that this type of activity is to be "expensive."
is very true that what is not used, it rusts ... or what stagnates, it rots ... Do you guys think?.

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