NOTE: Karmen of Nutrioncologica.
There is a saying very true: "The wise learn from the experience of others, a fool from his own ... if he survives, in cases like cancer ..."
I hope that a clear and precise, simple, honest, can decide to live their own experience or learn from others ... with LOVE, JOY AND HARMONY! ;
"If you ask me, what is a tumor?, I can only answer from my subjective point of view, that a tumor, is the physical manifestation of an anarchist cell development, which takes place in living organisms, prompted by an outpouring of vital energy in the normal channels of circulation. To say this and nothing, maybe it's the same thing for you. So I will try, if you allow me, to explain some ideas about the constitution of the human body, according to a holistic perspective, not mine, but if I share, so you can understand this approach. "
" Man, according to our theory, is much more than a physical body with constant chemical changes. Its complexity, circumscribed in his physical body, gives us today an idea of \u200b\u200bits manifestation in Earth only when associated with their physical, emotion and reason. It is very difficult to imagine an ordinary man, devoid of emotions and without reason. If we accept that the man inside, not only is a physical being, why most therapeutic treatments are aimed at your physical body only?. "
"I think one of the failures of current allopathic medicine, is precisely due to the biased view that is of man. We downplay the mental processes, when these, the most important triggers in disease or healing process. I think the real man, is beyond what we can grasp with our physical senses, is, I think the man himself, belongs to the third dimension, where the volume of the bodies is reality. I believe that man is more than a physical body-mineral, so, I started this sketch, trying to show its constituent elements. I convinced that if we do not know its complex structure, it will be difficult to successfully complete any therapeutic treatment. "
" We must become conscious to what Socrates said in ancient times: "Know thyself." A seemingly simple phrase, which gives us the possibility to get to know the deep mysteries of the macro and micro cosmos, since man is the visible, near-perfect world where we live, or if you prefer, we can say , which is molded in the image and likeness of what we know as life, in the broadest sense of the word. Physically or mineralogical if you prefer, man is nothing that a fertilized egg in constant change, even beyond physical death. The energetic processes that regulate these changes are made continuously, at all stages of training or physical destruction. "
" If you look closely at the process of fertilization, we see in the woman's body, a increased their average body temperature normal, by an overload of electromagnetic energy, directed to the egg vitally the power of attraction exerted on the sperm to be fertilized by the best, fulfilling the rules of evolution and improvement or upgrading of species. "
" From conception to beyond physical death, we see the power of energetic, on the physical bodies of plants, animals and man. At fertilization, involves complex mechanisms of the physical nature-mineral and mineral-energy physically present in the matter and energy interpenetrating matter. Fertilization is not only a physical-chemical process in a female body. Fertilization is one of the most complex and delicate process that takes place, physically and energetically in the body, the natural evolution of species, conditioned over time, as receptacles for the formation of new beings on the planet. Of these energy-vital elements we will now. "
" When we speak of vitality, we are referring to the item that the interpenetrating physical bodies, minerals, plants, animals and humans, given form and life as we know it today. This element allows us to distinguish, when a body is alive or without it. In this vital element, belongs IMMUNE SYSTEM. In this vital LIVES IMMUNE SYSTEM. The vital body is the most subtle physical plane and can be seen, color blue like a halo that surrounds our body, if we employ in their study of Kirlian Camera. "
" Above this energy-physical body, an item appears, well developed in the animal and Man, that allows them to feel and express emotions, the psyche or soul. Through this component, we can feel pleasure or displeasure, sadness or joy, love or hatred, pain or pleasure, etc. This is the element that the Orientals call it "astral body" because, according to their beliefs, is the body that is influenced by the stars. This item does not belong to the energy-level material. Is an element consisting of energy pure intangible, that while interpenetrating the other lower bodies, not part of any of them. This element is common in animal and man. "
" Above the psyche, we find an item's uniqueness it has: the Ego or Self. This item is exclusive of men. Through it is identified as a unique or unique within its environment. When the man says "I" does not refer to someone else other than him, so that in addition to identifying ourselves as unique beings, is the executor of the actions motivated by our desires and / or by our reason. "
" For Finally, I mention the part where dwells the reason logic, pure thought. This item, now exclusive to the man, known by the name "Spirit." Through this item, we can reason and make sense, when we say: 4 +3 = 7. As you can see, the ego, is in the midst of soul and spirit. For being there, must comply with the mission to balance the whole being. Should be the mediator between reason and emotion. Given this vague idea of \u200b\u200bthe constitution of man, we can now explain, as it is generated immune disease in your body. "
" All immune disease such as cancer, AIDS, psoriasis, lupus, arthritis, etc., are generated, because the immune system is not working properly. What does malfunction or not work, the immune system? Fundamentally, traumatic emotional states usually live alone and are not able to overcome through time. Remind you that the immune system, is in the vital body and emotional states in the psyche or soul. Remember also that the psyche, is above the critical element. With an emotional state altered by the traumatic impact of unexpected news starts the immune system impairment. Perhaps some have heard expressions like "the news left me frozen ' "Had no strength for the tremendous news," "I almost fainted when I got the news", etc. Conventional wisdom is leading us with these words, the emotional impact is altering the vitality of the individual. Remember the phrase, "I froze, because later return to this." "The traumatic emotional state, generated in the soul, shakes vibrationally with tremendous force, to the vital energies of the individual, destroying all or part of the "soul of DNA: The Immune System. DNA, without natural driver, nothing can be done about the chaos in the body. Millions of cells are killed by this catastrophe. The only viable solution, from the viewpoint of life, is that normal cells of the organ affected by the traumatic emotional state, looking for genetic patterns, where the code is amended death. These genetic patterns with their parent cell in the memory of DNA. They belong to a man and had an important role in the physical, in the earliest times of human evolution. With these new codes, mutating this by a distant past, the cell appears normal, with the genetic code of death changed. Ceased to be the cell that is born, grows, reproduces and dies. Now is the super-cell is born, grows, reproduces, but does not die. In fact, he died a long time after a normal cell. Is a primitive, heavy (molecularly speaking), it needs more food than a normal cell to live. "
" The brain, which is our house doctor when ill, having damaged the electromagnetic communication with the body that will the person concerned, little or nothing can be done to overcome or block this anarchic cell development. According to Dr. Ryke Hamer can be observed very carefully when considering a CT scan, a gray or dark gray, in the brain that governs the body sick with a tumor. This point, there is nothing that accumulated energy, outside normal channels of circulation. If we examine more closely the brain, immune diseases such as cancer, early diagnosis could have at least two years. Why is this happening? What does the brain do this? The brain is our organ electro-magnetic "receives and processes all our emotional states, originated in the soul" . If I have to physically locate the area where these psychic powers to penetrate the physical body I have to locate the bound on the head, where the East are located, what they know with the name "crown chakra." "
" The crown chakra is like an energy funnel that allows us to feel physically, mentally emotions when the energies of the soul into contact with the brain. Laughter, tears are not nothing but emotional states, physical manifestations. If the traumatic emotional state a person is related to the fear of having a disease that will cause death, and this trauma, he lives alone, it is most likely to develop in your body, lung cancer, smoking person smokes or not. Smoking, is an external aggression, which may result from gastritis to emphysema, but a cancer, ever. However, if smokers, believe that smoking is going to cause a terminal illness that will lead inexorably to death, surely you will get sick with lung cancer. Not smoking, but because of their traumatic fear of death. Let me give another example, to get to see more clearly the mechanism the body uses to generate new tumors, which you know the name of metastasis. In fact, there is metastasis. There are new traumatic emotional states that give rise to new tumors in the body. "
" Let the sample. If a mother feels attacked and believes his family, his family has been destroyed, because a child left her forever, or your partner, whom he loved very much, the left, probably, if not exceed this distress, if the conflict is still active in time and you can not or can digest it, may develop breast cancer, uterine or ovarian cancer. If the operator and removed, any of these bodies and they feel devalued as a woman, no self-esteem, emotional state may generate this bone cancer. If you want to fix the economy and has with any member of your family, a conflict that can not resolve in spite of their efforts and feel disappointed or cheated, and that unless she wants to, can lead to liver cancer. Always traumatic emotional states, energy affect the brain area that has control of the court, provided that the body has an affinity with the nature of stress. Observe what happens to a lost puppy dog \u200b\u200bthat you love. May develop breast cancer if the conflict is very active and traumatic, but will not metastasize, either before or after surgery, because in his condition of animal, you will not be devalued or humiliated. "
" You know never saw a cell of an organ, swimming in the blood stream to form a new tumor in another organ. is illogical to think that a lung cell, can generate pancreatic cancer. Morphologically are different, they have nothing to do. What I just said is very important for the treatment of tumors. Not the same treatment for those who suffer from lung cancer than for the one with testicular cancer. Emotional states that caused these tumors are different, so the tumors developed in various organs. Everyone must be treated individually, but fully . Should not lose sight of that when a person is sick, sick to his whole being and alters its surroundings, most affecting those most in want. "
" I want you to be clear that our ore body, is under the dominion of the other higher bodies. Our physical body, only shows what is generated in other bodies, except in case of external aggression, which may or may not generate enfermedades.TambiĆ©n I want you to be clear, that cancer in its early stage, is a disease the soul or psyche. When does the soul to the body, or after how long manifests itself physically? Most of the time, not to exceed thirty (30) months , from the emotional conflict to the appearance of first tumor. Throughout this time, the body can not produce fever. I think some of you saw and they caught my attention, that a patient had all the symptoms of flu or angina, no fever. Here is given as a mathematical statement : "when there is cancer, no fever when a fever over 39 ° Celsius, there is no cancer." What does this mean? It means that we must distinguish and differentiate two types of disease, the sclerotic and inflammatory . The cancer belongs to the sclerotic. We should also clarify that a fever can manifest as localized (eg intestinal fever.) Or generalized (flu, eg.). "
" The fever generally is not a disease but a symptom that is giving us a clear message about the evolutionary process of a disease. Localized fever, the body must be eradicated as soon as possible, no widespread fever. A generalized fever, it should be treated, using old methods (mild laxative in his home, wet cloths with cold water, baths, fruit juices, plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration, etc.), Not with antipyretics. Any generalized fever joins our "hard" (compare our brain to a "PC"), new elements to deal with future illness. A body that is able to develop a fever widespread, is a body where the immune system is functioning at full capacity, however, if the body can not produce fever, we're saying the defense or immune system is not functioning properly. Of fever was told many stupidities, the worst is when they say that the fever is useless or even claim that the high fever, can cause meningitis, when exactly the opposite, meningitis can lead to high fever. Should not forget that fever, the rise of bacteria, viruses or fungi, ie, our allies in the remission of autoimmune diseases. Without the help of these allies, would be extremely difficult to remove a tumor. Are bacteria, viruses or fungi, the natural charge of destroying a tumor composed of modified normal cells. In summary, a cancerous tumor, is the physical manifestation-mineral, a traumatic emotional state, that he lived alone and still not resolved or overcome, that uniquely affects the body's vital energy, thereby depressing the system defense, which leads to the abnormal formation. For now, only reactivating the immune system, we have the possibility to transfer a tumor. "
" We are the ones responsible for the formation of cancer. As we have be then, procedures or resources for referral. When the doctor tells us we have cancer, we enter a deep state of depression, because we believe that cancer is a disease that will lead inexorably to death. With this state of depression, plus the traumatic emotional state, not yet resulted, which gave rise to the disease, the immune system practically ceased to exist. If we add to this toxic substances we ingest in our diet, most toxins from the chemotherapy, the disease we passing to the category of death. "
" Let's see and analyze also the common element that is present or latent in all these states psychic trauma: The Fear. If someone says, we can die of fright, said a great truth. Fear can kill a person. Let's see a concrete example: Patients before and after a fatal medical diagnosis. When a person knows the diagnosis of his illness and is convinced that it is a terminal illness may make little or no therapeutic treatments, because their emotional state will block the normal flow of vital energy necessary for normal immune function. "
"You must have read or heard about psychosomatic illness, where a state of mind gives rise a physical manifestation, modifying bodily structures. If employed in reverse this psycho-physical process, surely, would send a tumor without using any medication. Watch what happens in all the shrines of all religions in the world. A lot of people in those places, sent a tumor, without any medication. Is it a miracle? No. It is a miracle, the miracle is much deeper than this. It is simply resolve their trauma through feelings such as forgiveness, love, etc. I am increasingly convinced that immunologic diseases will be treated in the near future, to nurture emotional states achieve vitally or energy, impaired immune system also by an emotional state. While there emotional states, immune disorders will . The important thing is to see the appropriate treatments to be used by doctor to the sick than their pathology. For some time, palliative treatment that health professionals used to treat cancerous tumors is chemotherapy and lightning. The professional who applies them, believe that these therapies, destroy or slow down its development, as if it were a bacterial infection, viral or fungal. Nothing could be farther from reality this. "
" If we clear that a cancerous tumor consists of cells that belong to our body, modified cells, but our own, we understand that aggressive treatment or not, led to tumor formation, no give the expected results. Chemotherapy for example, is designed to destroy rapidly reproducing cells , such as cancer and in that slaughter, smashes, digestive cells, hair follicles, bone marrow. why are nausea or vomiting, hair loss, anemia. The first two symptoms are not as severe as anemia and lack of platelets, leaving the patient defenseless against internal bleeding and some other opportunistic disease , by the deterioration of their immune system . We also believe that when our bone marrow malfunction, your ego goes wrong. Could subjectively say that our ego is supported in the blood and the element that makes it . When we have problems in the blood vehicle, we will have problems in the "self." For example: A anemia, a direct influence on our self-esteem, lack of lithium carried us most times depressive states, etc.. But not just limited to observe the side effects of palliative cancer treatment currently applied, watch as the ego, self-esteem, quality of life, begin to deteriorate , to walk a cul outputs. then starts to deteriorate the dignity of the patient and his environment. You may understand then, that the treatment applied was wrong. "
" No treatment that denigrates the human condition can be accepted for disease remission. The World of Health , is too clear on this subject, but it is also true that even few health professionals who are interested in learning these new guidelines . Chemotherapy can give positive results when applied in tumor formation and when the patient's age not exceeding 60 years. In a young body, it is possible to neutralize the toxic effects of cancer drugs, in a very short time, whereas in adult or elderly, as its slower metabolism, making the health situation is complicated. Although chemotherapy is a palliative approach, not curative, most patients who undergo it, believed to cure their disease. A healing effect, more important than the aggressive methods that are used today is carrying a sick remember and recognize the emotional state that caused his illness and help to exceed it, making it understand that the news left him " ice cream, "is nothing more that an act of life itself, which we unselfishly and wisely overcome, forgiving and loving person who has to love and forgive. When digested exceeds or emotional state that caused the illness, we will, without thinking, off its development. Just need from this moment, nurturing energy, our lifeblood, through music, prayers, a diet where they are this fresh plants, etc. By all means we must nourish our vital elements for the immune system to act normally, taking back control of DNA and cellular functions harmonizing with the patterns that govern human evolution today. The positive energy that can generate our moods, when they are the product of high moral values, also stimulate and nourish the vital element. Let me give some examples to understand the direction we want to give the healing process. "
" Many times we have heard "laughter is health." is a great truth. More than laughter, laughter , stimulating, largely immune . If we could only laugh 10 minutes a day, would surely better health. Anyone can experiment and see what we have just stated. "
" also prayer, with faith, love and devotion , can harmonize the brain areas affected by the traumatic emotional state. walk barefoot on wet or bathe in a stream where water flows will help us to offload excess power or static energy accumulated in our body . Breaking the monotony of our daily actions, helps our psyche, to incorporate and / or modify mood, which directly affect our immune system. For example: If you like light colors, dark might change temporarily. If we like the dark, use lighter colors. If you like classical music, change it for a while, quartet music and vice versa. In a process of healing, it all adds up. "
" For any disease, including cancer of course, the first we do is locate the cause that caused it, dive into our souls to reach the news or event that gave us "ice cream . "Stress Once located, we must ensure, through forgiveness and love, metabolize, digest it, get over it. They are the unresolved conflicts that provoke an immune disease most of the time. But we must also ask around this process: What I learn from the experience of this disease? What I want to teach Life through this pathological condition? All disease is necessary from the standpoint of psychic and physical life. us not forget that every pathological state, incorporated into the DNA, the elements that identify them in the future as a cellular aggression and how to overcome it. "
" I think it's clear our holistic orientation in the treatment of immunological diseases. It was quite clear, the importance we place on the subtle elements that make the man, in the development and remission of disease states, caused by the deterioration of the immune system. We believe that one must first treat the mentally ill, then activate the immune system, who will be responsible for ending or not, an active tumor within the body. "
The belief in holistic medicine that cancer is the anarchic development of cells, caused by an outpouring of vital energy
In my experience any illness,
"If I can make myself understood, shared or not my ideas, you can see, from my perspective, some processes that trigger autoimmune diseases such as cancer, lupus, psoriasis, arthritis, etc., and may also see the resources we have at our disposal to develop a process of healing. "
" No disease becomes incurable, if the immune system is active and the methods used do not harm their toxins (drugs), the delicate physico-chemical equilibrium cell, which has a sick body. "
" By way of introduction, I must say, that " Theory of Tumors", is based on the knowledge of man, not only from the physically-chemical energy but its manifestation, where emotional states generated in the psyche, play the largest role in disease and the health of a person. "
" No disease becomes incurable, if the immune system is active and the methods used do not harm their toxins (drugs), the delicate physico-chemical equilibrium cell, which has a sick body. "
" By way of introduction, I must say, that "
" Man, according to our theory, is much more than a physical body with constant chemical changes. Its complexity, circumscribed in his physical body, gives us today an idea of \u200b\u200bits manifestation in Earth
"I think one of the failures of current allopathic medicine, is precisely due to the biased view that is of man. We downplay the mental processes, when these, the most important triggers in disease or healing process. I think the real man, is beyond what we can grasp with our physical senses, is, I think the man himself, belongs to the third dimension, where the volume of the bodies is reality. I believe that man is more than a physical body-mineral, so, I started this sketch, trying to show its constituent elements. I convinced that if we do not know its complex structure, it will be difficult to successfully complete any therapeutic treatment. "
" We must become conscious to what Socrates said in ancient times: "Know thyself." A seemingly simple phrase, which gives us the possibility to get to know the deep mysteries of the macro and micro cosmos, since man is the visible, near-perfect world where we live, or if you prefer, we can say , which is molded in the image and likeness of what we know as life, in the broadest sense of the word. Physically or mineralogical if you prefer, man is nothing that a fertilized egg in constant change, even beyond physical death. The energetic processes that regulate these changes are made continuously, at all stages of training or physical destruction. "
" If you look closely at the process of fertilization, we see in the woman's body, a increased their average body temperature normal, by an overload of electromagnetic energy, directed to the egg vitally the power of attraction exerted on the sperm to be fertilized by the best, fulfilling the rules of evolution and improvement or upgrading of species. "
" From conception to beyond physical death, we see the power of energetic, on the physical bodies of plants, animals and man. At fertilization, involves complex mechanisms of the physical nature-mineral and mineral-energy physically present in the matter and energy interpenetrating matter. Fertilization is not only a physical-chemical process in a female body. Fertilization is one of the most complex and delicate process that takes place, physically and energetically in the body, the natural evolution of species, conditioned over time, as receptacles for the formation of new beings on the planet. Of these energy-vital elements we will now. "
" When we speak of vitality, we are referring to the item that the interpenetrating physical bodies, minerals, plants, animals and humans, given form and life as we know it today. This element allows us to distinguish, when a body is alive or without it. In this vital element, belongs IMMUNE SYSTEM. In this vital LIVES IMMUNE SYSTEM. The vital body is the most subtle physical plane and can be seen, color blue like a halo that surrounds our body, if we employ in their study of Kirlian Camera. "
" Above this energy-physical body, an item appears, well developed in the animal and Man, that allows them to feel and express emotions, the psyche or soul. Through this component, we can feel pleasure or displeasure, sadness or joy, love or hatred, pain or pleasure, etc. This is the element that the Orientals call it "astral body" because, according to their beliefs, is the body that is influenced by the stars. This item does not belong to the energy-level material. Is an element consisting of energy pure intangible, that while interpenetrating the other lower bodies, not part of any of them. This element is common in animal and man. "
" Above the psyche, we find an item's uniqueness it has: the Ego or Self. This item is exclusive of men. Through it is identified as a unique or unique within its environment. When the man says "I" does not refer to someone else other than him, so that in addition to identifying ourselves as unique beings, is the executor of the actions motivated by our desires and / or by our reason. "
" For Finally, I mention the part where dwells the reason logic, pure thought. This item, now exclusive to the man, known by the name "Spirit." Through this item, we can reason and make sense, when we say: 4 +3 = 7. As you can see, the ego, is in the midst of soul and spirit. For being there, must comply with the mission to balance the whole being. Should be the mediator between reason and emotion. Given this vague idea of \u200b\u200bthe constitution of man, we can now explain, as it is generated immune disease in your body. "
" All immune disease such as cancer, AIDS, psoriasis, lupus, arthritis, etc., are generated, because the immune system is not working properly. What does malfunction or not work, the immune system? Fundamentally, traumatic emotional states usually live alone and are not able to overcome through time. Remind you that the immune system, is in the vital body and emotional states in the psyche or soul. Remember also that the psyche, is above the critical element. With an emotional state altered by the traumatic impact of unexpected news starts the immune system impairment. Perhaps some have heard expressions like "the news left me frozen ' "Had no strength for the tremendous news," "I almost fainted when I got the news", etc. Conventional wisdom is leading us with these words, the emotional impact is altering the vitality of the individual. Remember the phrase, "I froze, because later return to this."
" The brain, which is our house doctor when ill, having damaged the electromagnetic communication with the body that will the person concerned, little or nothing can be done to overcome or block this anarchic cell development. According to Dr. Ryke Hamer can be observed very carefully when considering a CT scan, a gray or dark gray, in the brain that governs the body sick with a tumor. This point, there is nothing that accumulated energy, outside normal channels of circulation. If we examine more closely the brain, immune diseases such as cancer, early diagnosis could have at least two years. Why is this happening? What does the brain do this? The brain is our organ electro-magnetic "receives and processes all our emotional states, originated in the soul" . If I have to physically locate the area where these psychic powers to penetrate the physical body I have to locate the bound on the head, where the East are located, what they know with the name "crown chakra." "
" The crown chakra is like an energy funnel that allows us to feel physically, mentally emotions when the energies of the soul into contact with the brain. Laughter, tears are not nothing but emotional states, physical manifestations. If the traumatic emotional state a person is related to the fear of having a disease that will cause death, and this trauma, he lives alone, it is most likely to develop in your body, lung cancer, smoking person smokes or not. Smoking, is an external aggression, which may result from gastritis to emphysema, but a cancer, ever. However, if smokers, believe that smoking is going to cause a terminal illness that will lead inexorably to death, surely you will get sick with lung cancer. Not smoking, but because of their traumatic fear of death. Let me give another example, to get to see more clearly the mechanism the body uses to generate new tumors, which you know the name of metastasis. In fact, there is metastasis. There are new traumatic emotional states that give rise to new tumors in the body. "
" Let the sample. If a mother feels attacked and believes his family, his family has been destroyed, because a child left her forever, or your partner, whom he loved very much, the left, probably, if not exceed this distress, if the conflict is still active in time and you can not or can digest it, may develop breast cancer, uterine or ovarian cancer. If the operator and removed, any of these bodies and they feel devalued as a woman, no self-esteem, emotional state may generate this bone cancer. If you want to fix the economy and has with any member of your family, a conflict that can not resolve in spite of their efforts and feel disappointed or cheated, and that unless she wants to, can lead to liver cancer. Always traumatic emotional states, energy affect the brain area that has control of the court, provided that the body has an affinity with the nature of stress. Observe what happens to a lost puppy dog \u200b\u200bthat you love. May develop breast cancer if the conflict is very active and traumatic, but will not metastasize, either before or after surgery, because in his condition of animal, you will not be devalued or humiliated. "
" You know never saw a cell of an organ, swimming in the blood stream to form a new tumor in another organ. is illogical to think that a lung cell, can generate pancreatic cancer. Morphologically are different, they have nothing to do. What I just said is very important for the treatment of tumors. Not the same treatment for those who suffer from lung cancer than for the one with testicular cancer. Emotional states that caused these tumors are different, so the tumors developed in various organs. Everyone must be treated individually, but fully . Should not lose sight of that when a person is sick, sick to his whole being and alters its surroundings, most affecting those most in want. "
" I want you to be clear that our ore body, is under the dominion of the other higher bodies. Our physical body, only shows what is generated in other bodies, except in case of external aggression, which may or may not generate enfermedades.TambiĆ©n I want you to be clear, that cancer in its early stage, is a disease the soul or psyche. When does the soul to the body, or after how long manifests itself physically? Most of the time, not to exceed thirty (30) months , from the emotional conflict to the appearance of first tumor. Throughout this time, the body can not produce fever. I think some of you saw and they caught my attention, that a patient had all the symptoms of flu or angina, no fever. Here is given as a mathematical statement : "when there is cancer, no fever when a fever over 39 ° Celsius, there is no cancer." What does this mean? It means that we must distinguish and differentiate two types of disease, the sclerotic and inflammatory . The cancer belongs to the sclerotic. We should also clarify that a fever can manifest as localized (eg intestinal fever.) Or generalized (flu, eg.). "
" The fever generally is not a disease but a symptom that is giving us a clear message about the evolutionary process of a disease. Localized fever, the body must be eradicated as soon as possible, no widespread fever. A generalized fever, it should be treated, using old methods (mild laxative in his home, wet cloths with cold water, baths, fruit juices, plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration, etc.), Not with antipyretics. Any generalized fever joins our "hard" (compare our brain to a "PC"), new elements to deal with future illness. A body that is able to develop a fever widespread, is a body where the immune system is functioning at full capacity, however, if the body can not produce fever, we're saying the defense or immune system is not functioning properly. Of fever was told many stupidities, the worst is when they say that the fever is useless or even claim that the high fever, can cause meningitis, when exactly the opposite, meningitis can lead to high fever. Should not forget that fever, the rise of bacteria, viruses or fungi, ie, our allies in the remission of autoimmune diseases. Without the help of these allies, would be extremely difficult to remove a tumor. Are bacteria, viruses or fungi, the natural charge of destroying a tumor composed of modified normal cells. In summary, a cancerous tumor, is the physical manifestation-mineral, a traumatic emotional state, that he lived alone and still not resolved or overcome, that uniquely affects the body's vital energy, thereby depressing the system defense, which leads to the abnormal formation. For now, only reactivating the immune system, we have the possibility to transfer a tumor. "
" We are the ones responsible for the formation of cancer. As we have be then, procedures or resources for referral. When the doctor tells us we have cancer, we enter a deep state of depression, because we believe that cancer is a disease that will lead inexorably to death. With this state of depression, plus the traumatic emotional state, not yet resulted, which gave rise to the disease, the immune system practically ceased to exist. If we add to this toxic substances we ingest in our diet, most toxins from the chemotherapy, the disease we passing to the category of death. "
" Let's see and analyze also the common element that is present or latent in all these states psychic trauma: The Fear. If someone says, we can die of fright, said a great truth. Fear can kill a person. Let's see a concrete example: Patients before and after a fatal medical diagnosis. When a person knows the diagnosis of his illness and is convinced that it is a terminal illness may make little or no therapeutic treatments, because their emotional state will block the normal flow of vital energy necessary for normal immune function. "
"You must have read or heard about psychosomatic illness, where a state of mind gives rise a physical manifestation, modifying bodily structures. If employed in reverse this psycho-physical process, surely, would send a tumor without using any medication. Watch what happens in all the shrines of all religions in the world. A lot of people in those places, sent a tumor, without any medication. Is it a miracle? No. It is a miracle, the miracle is much deeper than this. It is simply resolve their trauma through feelings such as forgiveness, love, etc. I am increasingly convinced that immunologic diseases will be treated in the near future, to nurture emotional states achieve vitally or energy, impaired immune system also by an emotional state. While there emotional states, immune disorders will . The important thing is to see the appropriate treatments to be used by doctor to the sick than their pathology. For some time, palliative treatment that health professionals used to treat cancerous tumors is chemotherapy and lightning. The professional who applies them, believe that these therapies, destroy or slow down its development, as if it were a bacterial infection, viral or fungal. Nothing could be farther from reality this. "
" If we clear that a cancerous tumor consists of cells that belong to our body, modified cells, but our own, we understand that aggressive treatment or not, led to tumor formation, no give the expected results. Chemotherapy for example, is designed to destroy rapidly reproducing cells , such as cancer and in that slaughter, smashes, digestive cells, hair follicles, bone marrow. why are nausea or vomiting, hair loss, anemia. The first two symptoms are not as severe as anemia and lack of platelets, leaving the patient defenseless against internal bleeding and some other opportunistic disease , by the deterioration of their immune system . We also believe that when our bone marrow malfunction, your ego goes wrong. Could subjectively say that our ego is supported in the blood and the element that makes it . When we have problems in the blood vehicle, we will have problems in the "self." For example: A anemia, a direct influence on our self-esteem, lack of lithium carried us most times depressive states, etc.. But not just limited to observe the side effects of palliative cancer treatment currently applied, watch as the ego, self-esteem, quality of life, begin to deteriorate , to walk a cul outputs. then starts to deteriorate the dignity of the patient and his environment. You may understand then, that the treatment applied was wrong. "
" No treatment that denigrates the human condition can be accepted for disease remission.
" Many times we have heard "laughter is health." is a great truth. More than laughter, laughter , stimulating, largely immune . If we could only laugh 10 minutes a day, would surely better health. Anyone can experiment and see what we have just stated. "
" also prayer, with faith, love and devotion , can harmonize the brain areas affected by the traumatic emotional state. walk barefoot on wet or bathe in a stream where water flows will help us to offload excess power or static energy accumulated in our body . Breaking the monotony of our daily actions, helps our psyche, to incorporate and / or modify mood, which directly affect our immune system. For example: If you like light colors, dark might change temporarily. If we like the dark, use lighter colors. If you like classical music, change it for a while, quartet music and vice versa. In a process of healing, it all adds up. "
" For any disease, including cancer of course, the first we do is locate the cause that caused it, dive into our souls to reach the news or event that gave us "ice cream . "Stress Once located, we must ensure, through forgiveness and love, metabolize, digest it, get over it. They are the unresolved conflicts that provoke an immune disease most of the time. But we must also ask around this process: What I learn from the experience of this disease? What I want to teach
" I think it's clear our holistic orientation in the treatment of immunological diseases. It was quite clear, the importance we place on the subtle elements that make the man, in the development and remission of disease states, caused by the deterioration of the immune system. We believe that one must first treat the mentally ill, then activate the immune system, who will be responsible for ending or not, an active tumor within the body. "
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