Most food that surrounds us and which we have access acidifying effect on our body. What does that mean? Because it has a negative effect enférmate!. Look, let's start with the drinks, Coca-Cola, Fanta, alcohol, Red Bull's, etc, through the bakeries , sweets and more sweets, refined wheat in all kinds of breads, snacks , pasta , to pizza, pasta, white rice, all types of meat, steaks, sausages, fillets, etc., etc. The vast majority of food that is promoted in restaurants, fast food places, all has an acidifying effect, therefore, that our body sick.
The acid-base balance in the body initially
should explain what acidity and alkalinity. These two terms correspond to the way of classifying the reaction of any item. The degree of acidity or alkalinity is measured using a scale called pH (potential hydrogen) ranging from O (extremely acid) to 14 (extremely alkaline), located in the center (7) the neutral value. Or is that between O and 7 have the values \u200b\u200bof acidity and 7 to 14 the alkalinity.
roughly how it works the mechanism of acidity and alkalinity in the body. The 60 trillion cells that make up our bodies need food, eliminate waste and constantly renewed. In this sense, the blood serves two vital functions: to bring all cells nutritive materials they need and remove those toxins and acids that occur as a result of the transformation of these nutrients (metabolism). Thanks to the process of cellular respiration , the cells are part of the oxygen they need for their life processes.
At the cellular level is a kind of combustion internal, since body heat is released. Waste originating from the combustion process, are acidic and should be evacuated from the body through natural routes of elimination (kidneys, intestines, skin and lungs).
To accomplish this task properly, the blood must maintain a slight level of alkalinity. In a healthy person the pH of the blood (lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, etc..) Is between 7.40 and 7.45. When increasing the acidity level due to certain regulatory mechanisms, the blood is able to retain this vital balance. It does so through the provision of bases (alkalis) that neutralize acids. Therefore, to obtain a healthy cellular metabolism, it is necessary that along with oxygen, the blood has a constant flow of alkaline nature of substances, in order to neutralize acids.
first blood in these databases get food. In case of further need, either by excess acid or base-nutrient deficiencies can use the alkaline reserve of bones, teeth, tissues. Thus the blood becomes a "thief" of the organizational structure, with the sole objective of restoring the vital acid-base balance. This sets up the mechanism of softening and demineralization.
It follows that we must be careful with the amount of alkalizing we do to our body through the food we eat, avoiding acidifying foods and situations.
Let's see what is meant by acidifying and alkalizing foods. Our nutrients have different degrees of acidity or alkalinity. Pure water is neutral, has a 7.07 pH. Basically, all fruits and vegetables are alkalizing. Although the fruit has a low pH (ie it is acidic), we should avoid widespread confusion, is not the same reaction food chemistry outside than inside the body. When food is metabolized, can generate a completely different reaction to your original property. The case of lemon or honey. Both have an acid pH, but once inside the body cause an alkaline reaction.
minerals also play an important role in the behavior of acidifying or alkalizing foods and allow us to make a conscious choice. Are usually acidifying foods that have a high content of sulfur, phosphorus and chlorine . On the other hand are those that contain alkalizing good dose of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium.
is important to know aspects that have to do with the actual preparation of meals. For example, it has been shown that 40-60% of mineral elements and 95% of the vitamins and bases are lost in the cooking water from vegetables. It follows that the high content of bases that have vegetables-and that is so helpful for balancing blood-is devalued.
Hence the importance of the eastern system of uncooked vegetables steamed in bamboo baskets or steel, or without being in direct contact with water. We also understand the therapeutic value the wines, which retain all the alkali content of vegetables and balancing that are so ill and convalescing.
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