passes urine about ½ liter daily, especially from the fifth month and is growing to take its own amniotic fluid with urine. Taking his own urine has been scientifically verified through pelvic sonogram. The urine is very similar to the amniotic fluid in content.
The Essence creative is great, the urine is sacred and that life develops in the sea of \u200b\u200burine from the amnion. In ancient times, urine was used as a healing element, but with the development of modern science was isolated from human nature and the divine and created the famous laboratory synthetic medicine. Atom Dr. Inoue (Father of urinoterapia), in his magisterial work on the Urinoterapia, presents the world from a strictly scientific point of view and experimentally verified, the healing qualities of the water of life (which as stated by Dr Nakao of the Medical Society of Japan) will create a revolution in medicine.
All diseases can be cured and the doctor saying that a disease is incurable denies the power of the great secret of creation.
Mr. Morarji Desai, former Prime Minister of India, a fighter ally of Mahatma Gandhi in the independence of their country and who gave a public testimony of his healing, was cured of terminal cancer he suffered when he was 40 years. And he continued working hard in politics until his death at age 99. We must remember that the first world congress Urinoterapia held in Goa, India in February 1996. What is urine?
The kidneys filter all the blood from the body and 99% of the filtrate recirculates the blood and only 1% passes through the urine. The urine is similar to blood serum.
What does?
. Urine contains hormone SPU, is antibiotic, analgesic, increases resistance immune system, stimulates the secretion of other hormones and human intelligence.
. Immunoglobulin , helps generate antibodies against viruses and bacteria that cause asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis and allergic reactions to drugs, foods, insect bites.
. Interferon, is a peptide that stimulates the immune defense mechanisms, increasing resistance to treat immunological diseases. Prevents the multiplication of cancer cells.
. gonadotropin, stimulates the male testosterone production within the testes and regulates the menstrual period, stimulating egg maturation.
. Growth hormone GH, dissolves fats, particularly in the abdomen, stimulates bone growth, until the end of puberty, stimulates protein synthesis in muscles and bones and affects the activity of different enzymes.
. Antinea-Plaston , a chemical that helps to cure cancer. Its name comes from antineoplastic, ie anti-cancer.
. Prostaglandins, important for the proper functioning of the thrombocytes (platelets), dilate the bronchial tubes, increase intestinal motility, stimulate contraction of the uterus, bulldozed regulate blood pressure and metabolism.
. Urea , effective against bacteria and tuberculosis, a growth factor of the skin. Reconstructs and plays injured cells and organisms.
. Endorphin, inhibits nerve fibers that transmit pain, is therefore analgesic and sedative, improves mood and gives the sensation of feeling good, vitality and energy.
. Contains Calcium, Sodium, Copper, Fluorine, Iodine, Magnesium, Zinc, Amino Acids and Vitamins A, B, C, E, Riboflavin.
. hormones and other substances that aid in the healing of ulcers , vascular inflammation, normalize blood pressure, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis , hepatitis and all diseases including AIDS and cancer .
In 1971, Kyoto University in Japan found in the urine antibody Important fight infections and malignancies.
is preferable the first morning urine , it contains much SPU interferon, hormones that occur during sleep. SPU plays the role of antibiotic, analgesic and stimulates the secretion of other hormones.
The diet is needed, as for example, excess meat gives a bad taste. At first you are not used, but gradually becomes accustomed to drinking.
To maintain ideal health is to take ½ liter the first urine daily, beginning with a drink, then a glass, to complete the ½ liter. This can raise your immune system.
Chronic Diseases: Take a liter a day.
Cancer, AIDS, Lupus: two or more liters per day.
For Kids: 3 cups daily.
Dr. Inoue treated and cured a child of three terminally ill with leukemia, very weak with severe anemia, blisters and mouth sores, kidney failure and had been treated with chemotherapy for two months.
kidney infection, cystitis, vaginitis, heal quickly, taking his own urine.
Additional Recommendations:
1) Do not let the urine over 10 minutes, because it pollutes the environment.
2) Use preferably a glass.
3) If you take medication, do not stop sharply, but gradually.
healing reactions.
In any natural process of healing the possibility of healing reactions, the body expel morbid and toxic substances accumulated and which form the basis of the disease.
These reactions are not declining health, but the necessary process of detoxification prior to a cure.
As healing reactions may occur: diarrhea for a few days, drowsiness, fever, discharge, either through the vagina, ears, nose, tachycardia, body rash, sweating, etc..
healing reactions can occur at the beginning or during the treatment process.
By action of the urine, it appears all that does not correspond to the body: cysts, tumors, fibroids, calculations, etc.
I know of a great friend, who used the urinoterapia, who always felt a lump in your back flat, but as not bothered him no importance. At a time of treatment, began to expel purulent matter from the ears. He was patient and the month ended the expulsion of matter. 15 days after he realized that the mass in the back, was gone.
How to act in case of healing reactions that cause discomfort to the patient?
1) In case of pain, place alternating warm cloths and ice cream in the area of \u200b\u200bpain. The cloths can be in the same urine.
2) In case of fever, apply wet mud or ice cream on the belly.
3) In case of itching, fungi, allergies, etc., Place towels in the same urine. When reactions are the eyes, nose, ears, apply the urine with a dropper.
4) In case of inflammation of the tonsils, gargle with urine. 5) If the discharge is vaginal douching be performed with urine.
6) In case of tumors, etc.., Apply wet mud, or ice cream with urine.
7) In accordance with the organ that produces the reaction, water can take related plants, with the organ, for example: eucalyptus, to the lungs, horsetail, lemon balm, beard of corn, for the kidneys, throat, gargle matarratón raw juice or matarratón boiled with salt, lemon gargle with honey, etc.., diarrhea, chamomile water, etc. diet and fasting are essential in dealing with the urinoterapia. The ideal diet is vegetarian, avoiding all kinds of junk food, soft drinks, chemical seasonings, etc.
This diet is especially for chronic diseases and tuberculosis, cancer, lupus and AIDS. By changing the diet, it is clear that changes the taste of urine. If you wish, you may eat meat or fish once every 7 to every 15 days.
Around the third week of starting treatment, you can make and are much needed fasts 2, 3 or 4 consecutive days each month, then you can perform from 7 to 14 days. Urine and drink only plain water, do not worry, as the urine is a food for all the vitamins and hormones it contains. If the first day you feel hungry, drink water, from 2nd day Fasting will not feel hungry.
We must remember that in case of disasters, earthquakes, people who have been isolated, have saved their lives while rescue, taking his own urine.
is clear that fasting accelerates the healing of all diseases and to increase the defense mechanisms of detoxifying, neutralizing toxins and regenerating the metabolism. After fasting, it is possible to restart for 2 or 3 days with fruit and vegetables.
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