Al exist in Peru, the most comprehensive natural medicine chest of the world, exotic herbs that perhaps are "irreplaceable", we have nothing to envy because of our not being equal are of better quality and effects, thanks to the generosity of our beloved Pacha Mama, the richness of our geography and the different microclimates. Using
them tried my healing, my job is to research and improve treatment of detoxification, so that all may benefit, Nostra, the Pacha and the Universe. Today I realized that the purification and high dose then go routers accelerate the healing process and GRAVIOLA is no exception. It is imperative to stop its excessive and wrong use. To be natural, are free to produce toxicity, but we will exert predation, plants are living things and react to the danger of extinction, that being slaudables sobreestimualndo test substance, then it could be toxic, I would put down the video "The Mind of Plants. "
"In due time, bear, because the water from the sanctuary and its fruit will be for food and their leaves for medicine." EZQ: 47:12.
Combining these natural inputs with a proper diet to symptomatology, age, height and weight, are obtained purges that meet the basic and necessary functions to detoxify, without killing or assaulting, disease at the cellular level autoimmune diseases such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, psoriasis, etc. and others which affect Vital Health. You meet micronutrient functions the end of their natural cleansing function, which is organizing and energizing, working with the clock Bioenergetic allow the release of toxic consuming Vital Energy, Chi, or Prana Alma, without abusing their use. The which are safe and assimilated by the body in perfect synergy, we are forced to learn to use them without exaggerating or preyed upon. CREE and you'll create!: Time to reflect that nutrition is also from the Soul, is aware that enhances their effects.
** The combination, distribution and delivery of Integrated Therapies Natural (Products, dosing schedules respecting biological rhythms and nutrition) are custom, each being is a universe and depends, height, weight, age and condition, to eat right. Requested only from: Carmen Alvarado C My email: **. KarmenLidia.
them tried my healing, my job is to research and improve treatment of detoxification, so that all may benefit, Nostra, the Pacha and the Universe. Today I realized that the purification and high dose then go routers accelerate the healing process and GRAVIOLA is no exception. It is imperative to stop its excessive and wrong use. To be natural, are free to produce toxicity, but we will exert predation, plants are living things and react to the danger of extinction, that being slaudables sobreestimualndo test substance, then it could be toxic, I would put down the video "The Mind of Plants. "
Combining these natural inputs with a proper diet to symptomatology, age, height and weight, are obtained purges that meet the basic and necessary functions to detoxify, without killing or assaulting, disease at the cellular level autoimmune diseases such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, psoriasis, etc. and others which affect Vital Health. You meet micronutrient functions the end of their natural cleansing function, which is organizing and energizing, working with the clock Bioenergetic allow the release of toxic consuming Vital Energy, Chi, or Prana Alma, without abusing their use. The which are safe and assimilated by the body in perfect synergy, we are forced to learn to use them without exaggerating or preyed upon. CREE and you'll create!: Time to reflect that nutrition is also from the Soul, is aware that enhances their effects.
** The combination, distribution and delivery of Integrated Therapies Natural (Products, dosing schedules respecting biological rhythms and nutrition) are custom, each being is a universe and depends, height, weight, age and condition, to eat right. Requested only from: Carmen Alvarado C My email: **. KarmenLidia.

absorb the sea minerals, calcium, phosphorus, iodine and vitamins. These elements give us the natural way to lose weight, regain vitality and improve the skin. For thyroid problems, goiter, hair loss . Combats constipation , biliary disorders of pancreas, triglycerides, arthritis, fistulas. natural Slimming . Eliminates cellulite . Powerful nutrient for skin, hair and nails. Keeps the calcium in bones. Stimulating blood circulation, especially heart. Removes heavy metals and radioactive contaminants in our blood.

BOLDO: For fever, biliary disease, liver , removes bile , secretions, gallstones, cavities , gastritis and digest. For the treatment of hepatitis and / or other long-term antibiotics. Alleviates problems the bladder.
BORRAJA: Purifying, emollient, expectorant, sudorífica (infusion), decongestant, astringent, diuretic, diaphoretic, refreshing, soothing and anti-inflammatory (urinary tract).
Calaguala: desinflamante Powerful antioxidant. Use in organic conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis and Multiple sclerosis plates, Lupus Erythematosus, Autoimmune Hepatitis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Crohn's disease and Alzheimer's Diabetes Mellitus. Combat inflammation and liver ailments, bitter mouth, thick saliva and bad breath, kidney, bladder, pancreas, gallbladder . treatment of prostate cancer, uterus, adenoma, carcinoma. Prevents ulcer, helps ease the pain in the womb, menstrual syndromes produced, fibroma, cyst and prolapse. Anticancer properties, delete the white flows. I vaginal infection products, prostate and urinary taking extract of cat's claw and propolis and / or copal resin. Psoriasis, Vitiligo or Leucoderma, atopic dermatitis, alopecia universalis and alopecia areata and lichen planus.

Active Ingredients: Taraxicina and insulin action homotaraxisterol taraxisterol and beneficial to the liver and gallbladder, whose leaves are used for cancer. Diuretic because of its potassium content. Fresh leaves are rich in vitamin C (salad). Flowers have carotenoids. Arthritis, liver or kidney dysfunction, eye problems.
EUCALYPTUS: analgesic, antiseptic ,
antispasmodic, healing, deodorant, cleanser, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, hypoglycemic, stimulant, vermifuge and vulnerario. It is one of the best oils for respiratory problems. Helps dry up the phlegm and combat sinusitis. To breathe better as the muscles relax and dilate the trachea, bronchi and lungs states easing the discomfort of influenza or catarrh, bronchitis, and lung congestion.

hercampuri: (Gentianella alborosea ): purifies the blood , prevents liver disease , fights diabetes . Decreases to disappear the gall stones, reduce cholesterol the obesity and hypertension problems.
O SANTA HERB FENNEL: diuretic, expectorant, appetizer, eupéptico, bacteriostatic and Antipyretic.
Uses: Bronchitis, asthma, emphysema. Cystitis, urethritis, nephritis, pyelonephritis. Loss of appetite, hypochlorhydria. It is an excellent febrifuge and haemostatic. Their roots are astringent. It is used in dyspepsia, dysentery and diarrhea.

is the body that selects the most suitable organ or tissue, according to the toxic material or waste that must be eliminated. Urination and defecation, are mechanisms by which the body eliminates waste and toxic substances. (Constipation is a frequent cause of poisoning.
has action purifying mainly on the renal system, excellent diuretic (as the reviews of your mother, here you need to give a point of stimulation) is desinflamante of the urinary tract, mucous membranes, circulatory tract, gastrointestinal tract, is useful in the process of acute gastritis chronic. Steroids and organic acids found give anti-inflammatory action. It can be used in cases of drug intoxication. Exerts protective anti-allergic action on the cell wall, thus preventing histamine output. CHAMOMILE: excellent digestive tonic, which promotes the proper functioning of the intestines, helps eliminate gas and reduces bloating. It is also a notable sedative that calms the nerves and calm tempers.
MUNA . • tea or mate, for stomach aches, or altitude sickness altitude sickness (helps release the bronchi and dispel sickness.) Ideal for flatulence, especially in infants and children, deworming, as the onset of vision problems (cataracts, myopia and macular degeneration) and helps to maintain visual acuity. Prevent most breathing problems and help decongest airways. Muña leaves are used in healing of fractures, dislocations, and tumors caused by strokes. It also has properties for storing food.

Pasuchaca: hypoglycemic powerful antibiotics. gastritis, gingivitis, astringent. Improves function of pancreatic , diabetes, bitter mouth, thick saliva , removes skin blemishes , cholesterol blood cleaner. Combined with cat's claw for Diabetes. In gts ulcers mixing blood with 5 grade.
PINPINELA RETAIL: digestive, diuretic, haemostatic and vulnerarias.De carminative action, aperitif, stomach and digestive tonic. Clean the intestines of fermentation and putrefaction. Part of the "tea of \u200b\u200bthe four seeds, along with the caraway, fennel and coriander, and Font Quer which states that no flatus to be resist. Expectorant.
is also recommended for diarrhea, hemorrhoids and diseases of the urinary bladder and
Sudorific, anti-inflammatory and diuretic. Antigonadotropic has some activity. 10% decoction is used in fever, towels and disinfectant, emollient and anti-inflammatory wound ..
A handful of plant is boiled in 1 liter water for 15 minutes taken in four cups spread throughout the day, facilitates expectoration and thins the sputum.
ROMERO. Stimulant mild diuretic, colagogo, digestive, carminative, hypotensive, cardiotonic. In rheumatic pains, stomach, head of nervous origin. For wounds, sores and bruises.

Being rich source of omega 3 and linolenic acid regulates inflammatory arthritis, rhinitis, asthma, psoriasis, bronchitis, dermatitis, varicose veins, colitis, Crohn's disease, regulates blood sugar, ideal for diabetics. Pregnant mothers reduces the risk of preeclampsia or hypertension contributes to the formation of the fetal brain, improving eyesight and learning is excellent for hyperactive children. Increases concentration and memory.
SEN: is indicated to treat constipation and occasional non-inflammatory situations in which bowel emptying is required, such as radiographic, and processes for pre - and post-operative.

Use as a dye: is used as mordant. Also, the pods are used for coloring black and dark blue roots
Pesticide: The cooking water of dried beans is effective against lice and insects.
CAT'S CLAW: Regenerate immune system. Helicobacter pylorus eliminates only bacteria known to cause cancer . Internal inflammation, ovaries (decreases ), prostate, kidney, arthritis, osteoarthritis. has antitumor properties, contains anti-cancer enzymes. gastritis, rheumatism . antioxidant and revitalizing general. Dermatitis. Herpes .

VALERIAN: Taken infusion for stress , state of nervous excitement, anxiety, depression and pain generally of head. For problems flatulence. Insomnia (induce sleep naturally), muscle spasms.
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