of pages: http://www.retornomaya.com/autoconocimiento/164-la-gente-no-se-muere-de-cancerq . html
From here you connect the patient to their own biological rhythms. It is vital to recognize that the contribution of Dr. RG Hamer, a German physician oncologist Master of Divinity, founder of the New Medicine who upon discovering the physical laws of Cancer and Infectious Diseases, shows that these follow a biological program, confirming the old ancestral concepts sick body from the spirit that inhabits it, the putting the mind or thought to its true essence.
You are a universal whole, and the inconsistency in the way of living, thinking, or feeding them, triggering, that breaks you away from everything and your nature, its own essence, activating This biological program whose purpose is to create, for salvation, as also stated Dr. Atom Inoue * "
" Cancer is a life saving. Not a bad thing and should not cause fear or sadness, because if it heals well treated very well. Instead, we should thank heartily for their kindness and generosity. "
So why did you die of cancer? People die of medicine, chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. According to the book Syunsuke Funase Japanese researcher, 80 percent of cancer deaths is due to drugs. In fact much of the cancer is not "invasive" or "aggressive" and said no medicine, chemotherapy is the real killer.
Metastasis is a complicated situation, according as we are aware, but JUST the right time to heal!. It all depends on how cancer is treated and how deep is the change of life. That difference is crucial. In addition there is recognition that the source and strength of the immune system are in our own lives, and protected by nature, and not the "medical techniques." In
metastasis will often fever, severe pain, hence the disappointment.
you should know that when you reactivate the white blood cell lymphocytes, leading cancer fighters, the body manifests fever, pain, swelling and tremendous fatigue by stimulating hormone-sympathetic nervous system: acetylcholine, prostaglandin, histamine, serotonin among others.
fever and pain are caused by acetylcholine and prostaglandin, and very effectively reactivated lymphocytes, especially natural murderer's cell, the "Natural Killer "natural ExtraTime, T-lymphocytes, B1-lymphocytes, all to collect and destroy the true causes malignant. According to Dr. Toru Abo, an immunologist at the University of Niigata, Japan, acetylcholine detoxifies the body up to 90 percent. Prostaglandin controls and strongly depresses the sympathetic nervous system and the hormone adrenaline, which causes stress and free radicals. This strengthens the immune system. Histamine has an important role in improving blood circulation and hormonal, causing swelling, mild fever and itching. Serotonin tries to take balance the nervous system, autonomic, the sympathetic and para-sympathetic. The friendly also is important as a true promoter of courage to move forward in life, but too much a problem. This imbalance of the three nervous systems is bad. The turmoil and stress, suffering and medicine itself cause that excess sympathetic nervous system.
We wake up to reality, modern medicine was given birth by the pharmaceutical laboratories, and put science to serve its own interests, is why is said to be a science without conscience. Is dehumanized and sold. Each BE must take responsibility for your health and rid the body of the hands of doctors.
not to be cured of cancer drugs and therapies are needed, just change your life to a more healthy, natural and pleasant, with lots of love. There is no disease that does not heal if it focuses on the change of life and behavior change to enhance the life force. It is very worrying that as society develops and comfort of individual life is lost the firm foundation of physical and emotional body, especially the younger generation.
These reactions (fever, etc.) Are very annoying and painful. So are "recuperative reactions" or "healing crisis." This time of crisis in the process is physiological and not pathological. Are manifestations of our defenses, basic signs of ultimate recovery. Must pass through this critical period, sometimes very strong, without fear, with more courage and joy as it is in procesote redemption or remission, "close to the healing and long-awaited release.
not worry about the reactions to come. Exceeding this crisis by learning the home therapies like foot bath, the iron, the bath of ginger, quinesiotaping or EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique, home sauna, hiking, etc. ..
must learn to detach from the disease and its healing crisis. It is a good opportunity to learn a new life. These therapies do not cure diseases or to save life but to spend the physiological crisis.
In natural medicine the concept of "therapy" is different from orthodox medicine. Here are home remedies, as the drug and orthodox medicine, you need to monopolize all the natural therapies by governments and by using laws that imposes on the crisis in the global medical system. Of course, medicine was before term cure for these reactions, the "para-neoplasia syndrome, but chemotherapy usurious silenced and doctors now know that term, must not know, since that medication is not There is healing.
metastasis inflammation occurs in fact the original tumor, (4 th Law: Sis.Ont.Bact. And Mic). into other parts of the body and mind and sometimes grows antibody has the other antibody +. Medicine mistakenly defined as a "worsening of the cancer, but according to studies, if they maintain or increase the number of lymphocytes indicates the weakening of cancerous cells, it is not negative. Due to the strong anti-lymphocyte cancer cells are escaping. In many cases of metastatic tumor is inside the necrosis or death of cells by lymphocytes. In addition, cancer cells tend to commit suicide (Apoptosis) by the condition of high body temperature, enough oxygen and blood flowing, which shows the value of breathing exercises, walking, eating healthy and applying urinoterapia (Biosalud).
When treating a patient with drugs, radiation, surgery, etc.. Security is getting worse, but if it is natural or alternative therapy, all symptoms but are very annoying and painful, are physiological, is the healing process. However, we must also say that even if he dies (it all depends on the condition that has, how he has tried and how it has deepened the change of life) can go to dignity and quality of life very peacefully, without much anguish, suffering and mutilation caused by the medication. It's a matter of faith. This is of undeniable importance. Now, you have to work and live, giving life to achieve a new life. Proceed with more courage and hope of ultimate recovery.
has to be firmly in the direction of where to go, "a way of death by medicine or a way of life by nature"!.
Mil Gracias! in Love the service, Joy to the Life and harmony with nature, our nature!
This excellent article by Dr Keshava Bat, Indian biologist based in Venezuela for 40 years, booster of naturopathy who committed to patient recovery, teaching awareness of their illness and engage responsibly in their healing, otherwise it is impossible to get it and go to the chemicals, only succeeded in weakening the body. The healing power of the same patient is responsible for the leading embedded within them their own medicine and nature from the natural pharmacy who helps him back to his own nature.
From here you connect the patient to their own biological rhythms. It is vital to recognize that the contribution of Dr. RG Hamer, a German physician oncologist Master of Divinity, founder of the New Medicine who upon discovering the physical laws of Cancer and Infectious Diseases, shows that these follow a biological program, confirming the old ancestral concepts sick body from the spirit that inhabits it, the putting the mind or thought to its true essence.
You are a universal whole, and the inconsistency in the way of living, thinking, or feeding them, triggering, that breaks you away from everything and your nature, its own essence, activating This biological program whose purpose is to create, for salvation, as also stated Dr. Atom Inoue * "

* Father of the modern urinoterapia, Tokyo Medical and professor of medicine at the Free University of Berlin, worked as a physician and acupuncturist in Nicaragua La Clinica del Bosque in Bogotá, etc.
the article by Dr. Keshava Bat, which I dare to incorporate the laws of Hamer, he explains that, throughout our life have accumulated tensions, these toxin is called stress or suffering (1 st Law: Conflict), and body as a process of defense against dying from the toxin widespread collected and deposited in the tumor (2 nd Law: sympathectomy and vagotomy), assuming that negative energy as a mass, in some organs (3 rd Law: Ontogenetic System of Tumors ) physiologically weaker individual. All manifestations of the body (4 th Law: Ontogenetic System of bacteria and microbes), fever, pain, inflammation, diarrhea, cough, abscess, hemorrhage, including tumors, physiological reactions are positive, good, never bad, but cause discomfort. Part of a healing program (5 th Law La 5ta Esencia, understanding of the disease)) to a life sick, unnatural, stressed by modernity, violence and globalization.
So why did you die of cancer? People die of medicine, chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. According to the book Syunsuke Funase Japanese researcher, 80 percent of cancer deaths is due to drugs. In fact much of the cancer is not "invasive" or "aggressive" and said no medicine, chemotherapy is the real killer.
to discover the tumor for a medical examination occasionally, this has lived alone until this discovery will have spent between 10 and 20 years of cancer, considering the birth and proliferation of a cell-type "cancerous" five thousand are born every day ten thousand. Going from 40 to 45 years old and have at least ten parts of cancer, called micro-sarcoma, not yet detected by medicine.
Medical Case With cancer soon everything worse, to completely demoralize, fear, anxiety. And immediately with the diagnosis and accelerate the development, saying "it's too late, we must operate as before", "start with chemotherapy or hormones first try" ... so Those words sicken and kill. Who can resist the "medical authority"? but calm, breathe deep! Cured of cancer does not depend on medicine but lifestyle, the consistency between their habits and thoughts. Of course, when cancer develops badly mistreated. And when you heal your life and the erroneous thoughts. And when the medicine leaves him saying "there is nothing to do" this is your chance to heal! Real life begins. Should be allowed the opportunity to implement changes, radical, not only to heal but to never get sick!
metastases The word is used almost without exception as a synonym for "terminal cancer" or no cure! supposedly it has expanded aggressively "to other organs. Not so!. "Then why do they die in metastasis? No. Remember that these diagnoses "terminal" people suffer double or triple dose of chemotherapy or radiotherapy, which applied to any body are a systematic abuse, dies by these uses and abuses or use drugs or hormones so powerful that just completely immune system. A perfect and sustained mutilation of the body's defenses, no less than by medical science that is beginning: "First, do no harm!"
metastasis will often fever, severe pain, hence the disappointment.
you should know that when you reactivate the white blood cell lymphocytes, leading cancer fighters, the body manifests fever, pain, swelling and tremendous fatigue by stimulating hormone-sympathetic nervous system: acetylcholine, prostaglandin, histamine, serotonin among others.

We wake up to reality, modern medicine was given birth by the pharmaceutical laboratories, and put science to serve its own interests, is why is said to be a science without conscience. Is dehumanized and sold. Each BE must take responsibility for your health and rid the body of the hands of doctors.
not to be cured of cancer drugs and therapies are needed, just change your life to a more healthy, natural and pleasant, with lots of love. There is no disease that does not heal if it focuses on the change of life and behavior change to enhance the life force. It is very worrying that as society develops and comfort of individual life is lost the firm foundation of physical and emotional body, especially the younger generation.
These reactions (fever, etc.) Are very annoying and painful. So are "recuperative reactions" or "healing crisis." This time of crisis in the process is physiological and not pathological. Are manifestations of our defenses, basic signs of ultimate recovery. Must pass through this critical period, sometimes very strong, without fear, with more courage and joy as it is in procesote redemption or remission, "close to the healing and long-awaited release.
not worry about the reactions to come. Exceeding this crisis by learning the home therapies like foot bath, the iron, the bath of ginger, quinesiotaping or EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique, home sauna, hiking, etc. ..
must learn to detach from the disease and its healing crisis. It is a good opportunity to learn a new life. These therapies do not cure diseases or to save life but to spend the physiological crisis.
In natural medicine the concept of "therapy" is different from orthodox medicine. Here are home remedies, as the drug and orthodox medicine, you need to monopolize all the natural therapies by governments and by using laws that imposes on the crisis in the global medical system. Of course, medicine was before term cure for these reactions, the "para-neoplasia syndrome, but chemotherapy usurious silenced and doctors now know that term, must not know, since that medication is not There is healing.
metastasis inflammation occurs in fact the original tumor, (4 th Law: Sis.Ont.Bact. And Mic). into other parts of the body and mind and sometimes grows antibody has the other antibody +. Medicine mistakenly defined as a "worsening of the cancer, but according to studies, if they maintain or increase the number of lymphocytes indicates the weakening of cancerous cells, it is not negative. Due to the strong anti-lymphocyte cancer cells are escaping. In many cases of metastatic tumor is inside the necrosis or death of cells by lymphocytes. In addition, cancer cells tend to commit suicide (Apoptosis) by the condition of high body temperature, enough oxygen and blood flowing, which shows the value of breathing exercises, walking, eating healthy and applying urinoterapia (Biosalud).
When treating a patient with drugs, radiation, surgery, etc.. Security is getting worse, but if it is natural or alternative therapy, all symptoms but are very annoying and painful, are physiological, is the healing process. However, we must also say that even if he dies (it all depends on the condition that has, how he has tried and how it has deepened the change of life) can go to dignity and quality of life very peacefully, without much anguish, suffering and mutilation caused by the medication. It's a matter of faith. This is of undeniable importance. Now, you have to work and live, giving life to achieve a new life. Proceed with more courage and hope of ultimate recovery.
has to be firmly in the direction of where to go, "a way of death by medicine or a way of life by nature"!.
Mil Gracias! in Love the service, Joy to the Life and harmony with nature, our nature!
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