Factor "COLD"
That's funny, these days of winter temperatures here have been about twelve degrees inside the house, we are turning to layers layers or even sleep!. I must confess that I thought, "Well if I have my layers multicolored blanket to watch TV here in Mexico, how the hell can we do in Canada?. The truth is that businesses and homes are ready for extra cold weather. Regarding the weather in various cities in Canada, reached the following conclusion: Canada = Cold, no matter where you check the temperature in the wheater network, we can not deceive, Canada is a country that has a winter just like we read in Christmas stories for children. Sure, it's Vancouver with a climate warmer perhaps, but what it lacks in cold rain to spare, there are other places where it snows less, but more humid, a factor that makes the cold from up the bones. This brings us to the particulars of each province that receives immigrants, about getting the proper winter clothing, and yes, it should not be taken lightly, because without these statements can not survive the weather. Then, if we choose the city "less cool" as decisive and fundamental factor, then maybe we are not accepting that that one is saved in Canada. Choose another country, which has its problems to contend with, but in the end, give us a better chance at life. At the conclusion we arrived long ago was that we prefer to spend those frozen winters in exchange for a better quality of life, work and above all, security, tranquility.
Hey else, changing the subject, I know not impress me much either but what are the elderly in Canada. When we were there, we saw very athletic seniors, both male and female bike riding, walking, skating or running in excellent health. Some time ago we saw a video of the "Major" in Mississauga, which has more than eighty years, playing hockey! yes, it's amazing we even saw a video of British Columbia where every year has a tradition of tossing diving in the icy water of a river in winter, and the most incredible thing is that most big people were very athletic. I do not know what to, but I'll find out. Here many people of the same age are full of aches and shut themselves in their houses, and there is often no longer want to leave, which is very sad.
Have a productive week.
PD.-Thanks for reading. EEDS F
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