In the picture he drew with Francisco Romero Miranda describes perfectly what was the beginning of the bullfighter. For the first time in the history of bullfighting, a matador confronting a bull with sword and crutches, wearing pants, black suede jerkin, sleeveless black velvet padded belt snug.

The queue was a garment made of skin usually suede, sleeveless, open in front. Because of its flexibility and toughness, the ante was the preferred material in that time to make costumes of bullfighters. Its qualities allow freedom of movement with some protection against scratching caused by the pins.
By this time the bullfighting on foot compete with men on horseback, he makes up his crutch and introduces the kill the bull standing face to face. Nicolás Fernández de Moratinos said that bullfighters participated in a ceremony to use "pants and suede jerkin, tight sleeves and attacked correón black velvet, to resist the horns." In 1730, the Maestranza in Seville is in charge of dressing the bullfighters contracted scarlet dress with white chevron; ended up being the official uniform of the Arsenal. This white flesh and maintained for over 60 years as official uniform. Outside Seville and Madrid, Granada and Aranjuez, the bullfighters have some freedom in the colors of their costumes and ornaments, always be sober.
In 1793 at the request of Joaquín Rodríguez, "Ribs", bullfighters on foot using silver gallon. Ribs, introduces more ornaments hanging embroidered buttons and gals. In 1797 there was a bullfight in Madrid, acting as killers Costillares and Pepe-Hillo. The crew had Costillares celadon green bug fabric and the teacher had dress trimmed with shiny silver gallon, wide with silver flake rapacejo seams and silver at the edges.
later changed the face of silk, adopting the dress nice. With Costillares revolution took place in the costume design of fighting. Juan de la Cruz, paints a suit Costillares manolos of the eighteenth century, long half-jacket, body tissue and many ornaments, waves and filigree buttons. Wide straps and epaulettes silk ribbon. Narrow sleeves with slots and keypads. Highlights the great red sash on the left side looped. Wide trousers with buttons on the sides and closed below the knee. Silk Stockings clear and flat shoes with decorative ties. This last detail is maintained in the current suit. Curious is the color of the crutch.

All Charts Goya represents the bullfighter with a headdress and hair in a black mesh, just like the picture of Juan de la Cruz Costillares. The long queue and how to collect, you may be justified to protect the head in case of being dropped. In many cases, black mesh was topped by a black silk tie at the top of the head. With time to go removing the net, you see the hat in the nineteenth century.

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