Monday, October 11, 2010

Do Porridge Oats Need To Be Soaked

Time goes very fast!

Uf! how quickly time passes and how good that always makes us think that no matter how far away are the dates that all deadlines are met!. I must tell you that we have spent nearly four months after we moved house right here at home, after leaving a rather aggressive I would say for children, good for four. And now we're relatively calm as long as they do not get out of our comfort bubble (split), which makes us reflect daily on the valuable opportunity of throwing himself to the "Canadian Adventure."
And the following happens: you can not live in fear, afraid to go out of business by putting a check you eye to organized crime, not to find a paying job, not know what the hell will happen to the Country with such impunity that they will touch our children. What does the future hold? And I always come to this conclusion: I prefer winters tossing "Narnia" If I can live in peace and have a job that allows me to live well no matter how old you are. If I know at least until today that Canada is not hunky-dory, you change some problems for others, but with the problems we have here there's so much to lose.
I recommend watching PayScale page (can not remember the exact link can google) to be checked for those who are curious about how much gain in any part of Canada to make their comparisons. We've been seeing the possibilities work, my husband and me, especially in a city that is very close to Toronto called Mississauga, with several years it ranked as one of the safest cities in Canada and in which there is enough work, we also Ottawa looks to as many of you already know it first as "best city" of money sense. Here we come upon two things: how can you have so much work in GTA area if you currently have a high rate of unemployment? Now, it's nothing compared to the unemployment that is Mexico. Here is an average employment of 500 to 800 dollars a month and you have to pay for schools if you want a good cueeeestaa!. In Ottawa, I will be honest, I analyzed the climates of many cities and this is a city with one of the worst weather! but cool anyway not going to play? but it seems quite attractive.
finish my major in June or July, depending on the progress that I can carry, but for those dates will be many interesting things to come ...
I see, and 43 followers, helped me much at the beginning of this crazy roll, read the experiences of other immigrants even though each story is unique and unrepeatable, but I think capture our history and if anyone came to serve him because he would be cool. Greetings to all and thanks for following.
The picture is the Memorial Park in Mississauga Ontario Ca


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