Thursday, July 22, 2010

How Is The Icc Used To Select Colour Hair

for Landing!!

Hello to all who so kindly follow is this blog that I hope they can serve several. As has become one of the most anticipated moments in the history of an immigrant to Canada which is the famous "landing." But before we tell them, I can not ignore that long ago I posted about the escalation of violence in Mexico, and war that the country is fighting for various organized crime groups. By the way, the comment from people was that they were just isolated incidents between bands and they really did not greatly affect the population, and unfortunately we had two weeks ago to be victims of crime (thank God it was not a major, all we are good) and what I can tell the respect for the sensitivity of the issue is that the saddest thing is corroborated by experience that what happens here in Mexico is already quite important. full I'm coming to tell them about the landing. As you know, I have my sister living in Edmonton Alberta, so hecer decided the landing in Alberta (Calgary) to visit my sister and my nephews and last, leave your address so we get there the official documents as the permanent resident card and health among other things (I'll explain better later.) Another important thing is that we will make the landing and returned to us that you have to leave some things ready and prepare the best finish possible. We are very excited, and ready for this new adventure, oh and it is noteworthy that we have never visited Canada without snow haha \u200b\u200bI guess we'll see from another perspective, say it is beautiful, I suppose so. thanks to all the people who sent their valuable comments, they jerk a cyber greeting. Be aware that from August 10 will tell you how we went. See you!


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