Yes, I saw that is very small the photo of this post haha \u200b\u200bbut it's something right? I promise to get better.
Well with the news that last week we received the papers dated December 4. to carry out medical examinations and the registration record card issued by the National PGR.
Upon seeing the letter we knew we had sixty days to surrender everything to the Embassy and if you do not timely either the letter said, you're not going to Canada. This was Thursday, and we think we crossed the rental office and wanted to start but it now so we went to take more pictures, got together what we asked of the four and we throw ourselves on Saturday exams.
Fortunately, coming in the list of doctors certified by the Embassy one located in Acapulco, so we stayed an hour and a piece of road, but had to leave at five in the morning to the first to arrive at the laboratory we were witnessing the Doctor asked when we made the appointment with him. My husband and I almost asked us all, including chest radiographs. A minor children because they played only a very slight revision, it had to draw blood from them or anything like that.
Well, not to make the story so long, I can tell you we were questioned and examined and weighed and measured from half past seven to half past two in the afternoon when the Doctor sent our apparently successful results Trinidad and Tobago. There are revised and after ten days, send an email to the Canadian Embassy in Mexico to report the results.
We returned home, took the documents we requested in the PGR is in the Federal District (go there if it is a roll for us) and we rushed my husband and I, just before dawn, the first to arrive and resultoooooo? we asked the marriage, which came not on the list and to update my Birth uuuf, because we have to go back but it now
Now if God willing we will go again on Monday and now it all to push for this by the days pass.
Partners I recommend that if you have to go to the PGR to arrange registration record card, take everything, everything you have in original and two copies, if not better or appear.
Eta adventure continue .......