Holit, at this point the way patients, doctors, health professionals, engineers, and even children know her programming, and after so much science, discover the principles of Traditional Oriental China, Indian, and other traditional cultures thousands of years old, the worldview that the wisdom nourished and allowed them to view these programs without external devices. All these drugs are based on the principle ancient mind-body Psychophysics as a single unit, as opposed to the West that considers the body, an independent body, perhaps with some endocrine reaction called "stress" linking as an initiator of immune system diseases.
The human being is a microcosm, and each of the five major organs are labeled as one of the five basic patterns of movements or so-called energy: wood, fire, earth, metal water, air or ether. You have physiological functions that regulate the body receives everything that the human being emotionally and mentally encoded from their intention or behavior. Therefore this energy is polarized fields functional physical, emotional and mental and each contributes to shaping the character. As I said Louisee Hay: "Every thought is creating your future."
Dr. Hammer to find The Five Laws of Disease shows you that when conflict occurs, the disease develops and what to serves the disease ...? to express the conflict ...! Hammer says there's no disease, no conflict, then ... resolve the conflict and stop attacking the messenger, we understand the message!.
I mentioned it in college "There are no diseases but sick" and though many accept something from this, it makes sense, of course, goes against everything that aplicais, against all that which was imposed. It's not news either that at some point, humanity lost its essence and I lovingly imposed dogmas and mindsets that nurtured the "guilt" and fear, two pollutants to which today is intended to cure or prevent "vaccines" .. .!
The pandemic of "guilt" has invaded the planet poisoned relations between people, the most unfair is that supposedly delivers a unique scheme of perceiving the world (the one of them!), Punishing, butchering, destroying, ridiculing those who dare to question this Power. Today it became more subtle and pragmatic object from other faults: the effect and climatic disasters, terrorism, the fall of the dollar ... distrayendoos.
is so that the "faults" were found in the human genome, although no one saw, someone had written that this 6% on DNA was the famous "fault": Copy that heritable, blaming autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, or high blood pressure, obesity, asthma, cancer, father, mother, grandfather and the whole family ... no one is exempt and if no one suffered? Well ... You are guilty of starting them ...!!!.
And how to correct or minimize these thoughts? Afanador
to look "guilty" in your DNA, geneticists believed that only 10% of this information was stored and was responsible for the construction of your body ... ignoring the remaining 90% of DNA considered "junk" is the Creator communication automatic full-scale biological and can decode, clear ...! It was in Russia where linguists discovered the genetic code of the "useless" 90 percent. Follow the same rules as all your human languages, from the rules of syntax (the formation of words into phrases and sentences), semantics (The study of language meaning) and grammatical rules. Discovering that the alkali of our DNA follow a regular grammar (Water Crystals: M. Emoto) and have rules like your language, like you. In China traditional medicine is the palate heaven and earth on the opposite side to this, and the man in the middle of them, is the language: "There is nothing to bind (small intestine, heart) in the land, not be bound in heaven (mind) ", referring to the divorce between the body (male) and mind (God). The Bible clearly speaks of this unity: "It's not what goes in is what comes from man's mouth, because it is the mouth of God", hence the analogy of the Power of the Word, which repeats Master Jesus incessantly.
"He who is able to maintain its position (world), stand a long time. He who is able to maintain its influence (psyche) will live after his death (Alma)." The Tao.
is by understanding these codes that really understands this language. NO need to be a doctor to understand, leaving aside the growth cones, (directed by an Order subject) and follow your common sense, your intuition. Abandon the blindness that prevents you from correcting errors. It is time that everyone from himself to take any action to repair or compensate, damage has been caused and let's hide from your own fault, passing it to others as ping-pong ball.
is from Psychology that shows how we nourish ourselves with the word intentionally erroneously affecting the DNA programming. So, be responsible and amend, leave the guilt behind, returns Cheers. We have the ability to create our health!. If not convinced, just questions! "A faith that does not doubt is dead faith." Duda, dare to go against the established paradigms, dare to look inside your thoughts and emotions, reconcile with your past you have the ability to return to that time you felt so painful and understand why you lived and ill, and from this recognition will find that health could be maintained indefinitely if we draw from the soul, guiding thoughts, feelings, emotions and positive words, that is well intentioned.
TU is responsible and decide, your destiny, learn from your mistakes and unlike others, who believe that they are not, you risk your lives and experiences of "illness" sacándole all the juice. No need to inherit your responsibilities to others and not assume that you do not correspond! Let the Blind faith by the need to discover as co-creators with the overwhelming will of the Creator, who in his Love gave us his power: "We were made in the image and likeness of God." We learned to doubt and then deny, under accusation of heresy ...
Learn the meaning of the decoding, once again, is our dear ASPESIN who gives us the tools in these noble disciplines up to us to seize and apply ...
Decide which group you belong:
a) to those who carry "faults" and "responsible"
b) to accept its responsibility.
Do I recommend a little effort and attend.
Excellent opportunity, this course was funded through the generous spirit of a former patient who was cured of an incurable disease with this method, in an act of gratitude, finances and want to share this miracle of medicine from Quantum the Biodescodificación with two excellent professionals and NLP Master hipnopsis. Psc.Erick Corbera and Psc. Rafael Marañón, Spain.