Best Cities for families in Canada
posting Again, with this new look of the blog that I think more seriously haha. Thank you very much for giving your comments and read us in this space, which is ultimately of expression and feedback. Today I want to tell them that we decided to refocus our research, looking at places which would be suitable for family living in Canada say healthy. Of course me and it is quite clear that every family should establish its rules and strengthen communication, but certain factors that help or hinder family life. We found an article called "The Best Cities for Families in Canada" by the Institute of Marriage and Family in Canada "located in Ottawa. This article in PDF, offers a different picture and a very good explanation BREAKDOWN of the cities ranked as the friendliest for families. This study was carried out taking into account several factors and I can tell you personally, we were a useful aid to anyone that perhaps a large city is the best place, or someone else, ideally a quiet, more homelike in the end but this, to consider the development of a strong family is the first time I see an article, I recommend you read it who knows, maybe your town is there ...
appears in the title link (click) to view the article.
This photo was taken in the West Edmonton Mall, Greetings Sis!
Have a nice week! EEDS F